
Essay On I Love America

Satisfactory Essays

America is the best country in the world! We may only be number fourteen in education, but we have the largest and most expensive army than the next thirteen countries on the list combined! America is such a protecting country we scream peace, then bomb innocent countries in the middle east. I bet those millions of Middle Eastern civilians regret killing those three thousand in the twin towers on 9/11, that will really show them. Not only do we have our big and strong army, we have our brave police. Not only are they brave, they are also loving. The police take in dangerous white men armed with guns and give them bullet proof vests to protect them from mobs and take them out to Burger King. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even police, and they mistake a black man's phone for a gun and shoots him. Oops. America is so great. I love it. My favorite things about America are Republicans, how there is no racism, and Donald Trump. Republicans are talked …show more content…

Minorities are so privileged compared to White people. They have affirmative action and a Black president! It is not like affirmative action was put into place because minorities do not get the same opportunities because of racism. I have white friends, so that means racism is over. I especially love how they speak over me and try to explain the things I have been through. Police brutality is overrated. Black people kill each other all the time, it might not be because of the color of their skin, but still they die. Why is it any different if the police join in? We need to stop calling each other racial slurs! If we can say it, they can. We need to stop making things about race. Racism never existed and it still does not. Americans need to get over segregation and slavery! It was not that big of a deal and does not give anyone an excuse to claim that there is

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