
Essay On Let The Right One In

Decent Essays

Love can go beyond gender, even humanity. Throughout the film Let the Right One In, the relationship between Eli and Oscar can be seen as unusual. Eli repeatedly says “what if I’m not a girl?” to Oskar. In the film we are shown a few shots of Eli’s genital area, in which we see nothing but a scar. The novel, however, tells us Eli was originally named Elias, a boy who was castrated over two-hundred years ago and turned into a Vampire. Since vampires are essentially dead, they do not require reproductive systems, resulting in this area being nothing. I noticed there is a major difference with regard to sexuality amongst vampires in the Forry article, “Powerful, Beautiful, and Without Regret”, compared to the relationship between Eli and Oskar portrayed in Let the Right One In: in the article, vampires are described to be …show more content…

This brings them to forge a new kind of relationship- one that comforts their loneliness. They are kind and affectionate. Examples of this are things like using Morse code in order to communicate through the wall of their apartments, and sharing a puzzle, which Oskar offers Eli as a gift. Their love seems to encourage an unconditional loyalty. It extends to Oskar’s confidentiality with regard to Eli’s nature and needs, as well as Eli’s extraordinary rescue of Oskar from his bullies.
While looking at the relationship between Oskar and Eli through the Forry article’s theme of hyper-sexualized vampires, I noticed that Eli and Oskar share more of a true love rather than the love captured in other vampire films that is dominated by a more sexual less intimate connotation. However, it is without a doubt that the classic vampire we recognize and have grown to love and hate would not continue to exist if the sexual context of all that they represent was taken

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