Ever since the fourth grade, where we had to practice writing for our FCAT Writes, I had become absolutely entranced by the concept of writing your ideas, thoughts, and creativity on a blank piece of paper. With nothing but a prompt or your own mind encouraging the flow of words that would cascade from my mind to my hand. My friends and family would often say that I smiled the most whenever I was scrawling on a sheet of paper. However, even though I enjoyed writing I was always searching for tips to improve considering that I was never satisfied with anything that looked subpar. In my mind, the characteristics of good writing was always having a paper that would catch the reader’s attention, the words would just flow into one another without sounding choppy …show more content…
I enjoy the idea of creating a story in first or third point of view that would make the readers feel as if they are experiencing the authors emotions in that point of time. Considering that narrative is my preferred style in writing I would have to counter with explanatory being my most disliked style of writing. In my personal opinion, explanatory does not leave much room for expressing yourself without the risk of being labeled as biased or uncreditable and having your paper being labeled as rubbish. With that being said, since being placed in English 1 this month the amount of time I spend writing papers is mostly all day as I attempt to make an excellent paper that my professor would enjoy or at least think that it was above subpar. Before being placed in English 1 I would spend a maximum of at least two to three hours every three days for a school paper or for my own personal joy. However, writing for my own personal joy seems to be losing more and more time as I have started working at Bowlero and between work and school it takes up most of my
It is essential to understand that classes taken in grade school do not give students a full understanding of each subject. With the topic of writing, there will always be a new lesson to learn, an aspect to improve, or a differing way to explain. Author Craig Vetter states in Bonehead Writing, “This is your enemy: a perfectly empty sheet of paper. Nothing will ever happen here except what you make happen.” Each story, essay, or response comes from a writer’s experiences. With each attempt at a new piece comes an underlying story of emotions the writer is facing. Each person’s writing is unique and the ideas people have are related to their past experiences and what they believe to be familiar with when deciding which writing style to use. As a high school student, I have learned many things about writing that helped me become the improved writer I am today, but the most essential advice I have received is practice makes perfect. Although there is no actual perfect way of writing, I have discovered that each essay I write, my writing improves. It is easier to spot mistakes, find areas to improve, and ponder elevated word choice to use.
However, most of the time I will despise writing and try to avoid it as much as possible. The reason I do not like writing is, because I frequently have so much to say and I cannot grasp a way to organize everything. When I write for enjoyment I will mainly write about the thoughts in my head and nonchalantly caring if it makes sense or not. It’s like the difference between a doodle and a drawing. A doodle is just a “whatever” picture. It is just randomly drawn and it won’t matter if the lines are straight or not. In a drawing everything has to be perfect and neat. I enjoy to “doodle” write and just write my thoughts out about anything, I am afraid to publicly say. I’ve been taught to write by having teachers just tell me what they want me to write. The part about me learning to write I kind of have taught myself using some of the knowledge that previous teachers have given me. Not only, but I also, face several challenges as a writer like the lack of creativity and writing descriptively. When I write, I like to just state my point or main idea, but I struggle with describing it in depth and explaining my main idea as specific as possible. Some writers make a drama and explain everything so clearly and their emotions, however I am not that type of
It is hard for me to focus on writing. When you read my writings, it is very obvious within the first paragraph. My work is much better, and more enjoyable to read, when I write in a quiet place with few distractions. My teachers never really questioned my writing until 10th grade. I could wait till the night before a paper was due, crank one out in under an hour, and the teacher would use it for an example paper in class the next day. Ms. Yard, my 10th grade teacher, was the first to call my writing bluff. I learned that writing was much more then writing. In order to have a good writing piece, as explained in “What Writing Is”, you have to be able to write something that is
My writing skills have fluctuated throughout the semester. I feel, although, I have mastered leads and headline writing. Leads and headlines were the first writing skills we practiced and have continued to practice throughout the entire semester. The continuous practice of leads and headline writing throughout the semester, I feel confident in my ability to write concise, eye-catching leads and headlines. For writing assignment three I needed to provide a follow-up headline and corresponding lead for a criminal case. The headline had to focus on the upcoming sentencing hearing because it was the newest information about the case. In order to do so, as I mention in my blog entry, I had to write several drafts for both my headline and lead. [INSERT BLOG PICTURE] After many drafts of the lead I settled on a summary-lead because the article was a follow-up story about an established criminal case. I wrote the headline after I wrote the lead because the headline had to be a shorter, more intriguing version of the lead. After many drafts I finally wrote a six worded, eye-catching headline that was about the sentencing hearing. [INSERT WRITING ASSIGNMENT
Writing was never a known weakness of mine. However, I could never confidently call it a strength. Throughout the course of this semester, my writing style has evolved and I have rid my writing of many habitual mistakes. I have learned to appreciate writing much more, and enjoy the moments where my mind meets words on a paper. Creativity has always been one of my strong suits, but through this course I catered my creativity to compose a variety of essays and speeches. Likewise, public speaking is something that I did not struggle with in the past, yet the structure of the class required a video speeches which was fairly new to me. All in all, I have been able to identify and modify gaps in my composition of writing and speech as a result of this course.
Like transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly, my writing style transformed from something mediocre to something quite exceptional. In high school, even when I took advanced placement English and Literature courses, I was never good at writing. My writing would lack structure, reasoning, syntax, and a well-defined thesis statement. My inadequate grades on writing assignments lowered my self-esteem, so I assumed I would never enjoy writing papers because I believed I could never improve. However, since attending a university my writing style has improved far beyond my expectation. My EN 101 course enhanced my understanding of the different ways I could approach my writing. Also, it enhanced my comprehension of outlines to complete assignments. Investing quality time into my writing made a substantial difference because I became a stronger writer. Through the late nights, constant revisions, and agonizing head traumas, I learned that my writing is truly spectacular whenever I incorporate well-defined thesis statements, provide sufficient supporting evidence, and maintain a clear focus in my assignments.
It took me a while to determine what i was going to write about in this essay. Being as I am a sixteen year old high school student, it was a little hard to dig down deep and decide who has truly influenced my writing. I don’t think I can state one specific person that has impacted my own writing style, mostly because of which i am given a generic prompt for. With that said, my eighth grade writing teacher, gifted me with a strong passion for writing.
Thank you for allowing me to read your paper. This is a great start to a well written final product.
I personally enjoy writing. I always have and I, likely, always will. However, I severely struggle under certain writing conditions and prompts. For example, I found the investigation essay extremely difficult. I was largely unable to grasp how to investigate the truth behind cat erections. While I did receive an average grade of an 88%, I felt that my investigation essay was one of the worst papers I have ever wrote. In fact, I was worried I would receive a horrible grade on that essay.
During my time spent in the English 110 I endured a writing style of APA that was barely introduced to me in high school. The most beneficial things I learned throughout my research process this year is the use of the writing center and librarians , the online databases, and the moodle forum post allowed me not only to succeed in English 110, but will give me beneficial techniques to use in future papers I will have to write.
Over the course of my studies at university, I have grown and learned more about academic writing and numerous writing styles. I believe there is so much room for me to master my writing skills to succeed and complete my degree and improve my academic writing and personal skills through more practice. However, I have become concerned with my first attempt submitting my piece of paper through the online test in the Writers’ Diet diagnostic tool and was labelled ‘flabby’ in my writing. Analysing my errors and referring to the textbook ’Communication Toolkit’ by Grellier and Goerke (2014), also submitting my piece of writing to Grammarly and paper rater I was able to measure my weakness in the area of sentence structure, punctuation and grammar.
There are many writing styles that many people pick up as they go through there many years of schooling. Each person picks up the same type of writing styles but as years go by people seem to pick up there own little types of writing style that separates them from everyone else. As I have gone through many years of English classes I have acquired more and more skills and many more are sure to come as I continue my education. My writing skills have only gotten better from the time of ninth grade English class until today. Since my days back in junior high school I was only taught the basic skills to write papers and since then they have grown to make me a decent writer. I have many strengths and also
My writing skills are decent, if I take the time to fully process my thoughts. When it is a timed assignment or test, my skills go right out the window, I concentrate more on answering the prompt rather than the grammar, punctuation, or structure. It’s like a jumbled mess of writing filled with lots of errors. When I’m writing my main goals are to answer the prompt, have good structure, and no grammatical or punctuation errors. These goals sometimes get in the way of me expressing myself freely; if a sentence doesn’t flow right with rest of the paragraph, I will re-examine my paragraph or paper to see if I can conjure up a sentence to finish out my paragraph before moving on to the next paragraph. Another example is if I feel like I don’t
Over the past few months, I have learned several different writing techniques. While all of the different types of papers were difficult to write, I believe that my writing skills have improved. In fact, I did not understand all of the assignments, but I did try to do my best on all of them. While I should have used more transitional words in between sentences and paragraphs, I feel that I learned a great deal. It is true that I have not had very much writing experience and the writing process is difficult for me. Sometimes, I do admit, it takes days to complete one assignment, but it will be worth it when I am a proficient writer.
Employment essays detailing experience in a certain occupational field are required when applying for some jobs, especially government jobs in the United States. Essays known as Knowledge Skills and Executive Core Qualifications are required when applying to certain US federal government positions.