
Essay On Overuse Injuries

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A recent study suggests young female athletes are at a much greater risk for developing overuse injuries than their male counterparts when it comes to playing high school sports. Among the 3,000 male and female athletes representing 20 different sports, girls developed repetitive motions injuries about two-thirds more than boys.

Young Female Athletes in High School at Greater Risk for Overuse Injuries

A new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics has suggested that young female athletes face a higher incidence for repetitive motion injuries than young male athletes. The study was conducted by researchers from the Ohio State University (OSU) Wexner Medical Center with findings analyzed from over 3,000 male and female participants engaged …show more content…

The research also found that about half of all athletic injuries were overuse injuries.

The most common overuse injuries seen in the young athletes included stress fractures, tendonitis, and joint pain. These overuse injuries tended to affect the lower leg the most with the knee and the shoulder coming in right behind in frequency of injury.

Best’s research found that the most affected age group was between the ages of 13 and 17, typically the high school aged sports groups. These injuries accounted for twice as many visits to sports medicine doctors than other minor traumas associated with sports play.

Why are Female Athletes Injured More and How Can They Lower Their Risk?

The researchers suggested female athletes to pay particular attention to their bodies at this intersection of their sports careers and their lives. Bones develop at their greatest rate during the teenage years for girls and especially for girls in high-impact sports, it is an absolute necessity to provide their bodies with proper

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