
Essay On Photosynthification

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Endophytic fungus morphology and molecularly identification
This study aimed to isolate prospective beneficial endophytic fungi from its host extreme hot desert plant and investigate their potential roles in heat stress tolerance under field conditions.
A thermophilic fungus was isolated from the roots of an extreme hot desert-plant delile cullen pilicata, Aswan governorate, Egypt. The climatic environments in this region ranged between moderately cold dry winter to very hot dry summer (Abdelrahman et al., 2016). The isolate fungus was identified by the morphology of the fungal culture, including colony and medium color, colony characters, spore characters, mycelium characters, and fruiting structure. The text (book) used for …show more content…

Phenological traits of Cullen pilicata in response to endophytic fungus inoculation:
Comparing the control and treated groups of Cullen pilicata in terms of phonological traits showed significantly differences could be attributed to the presence of endophytic fungus. The impacts of endophyte inoculation were seen significantly difference on, soil water content, leaves number, fruits number, fruits weight, root length, and root fresh and dry weight. The most potential functions of endophytic fungi are the facilitation of plant nutrient uptake which causes root growth stimulation (Devendra & Ajit 2016). The plants are capable of adapting their roots developmentaly and moleculary to cope with abiotic stress (Koevoets et al., 2016). In the context Fig.8. showed the effect of the endophytic fungus on the root length of our studied plant where it is significantly higher (P≤ 0.006) in E+ group than E- group respectively (50 ± 0.8 and 26.6 ± 2.3 cm/plant) (Fig.2.). Fungal Endophytes may promote plant water use efficiency under low water availability, where the inoculated plants reduce transpiration rates to ensure conservation of soil moisture (West 1994; Morse et al. 2002). Fig.3. showed the soil water content (S.W.C) of the E+ group was highly significant (P≤ 0.008), than the non-inoculated group (2.7 ± 2.6 and 0.6 ± 0.9), similarly findings with root fresh and dry weight (P≤ 0.009, P≤0.01

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