
Essay On Practice Rules And Regulations

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Nicholas Heidenthal Practice Act/Rules & Regulations Dr. Balogun The state I choose to compare to Illinois is Texas. When looking at Texas and who may use the title of physical therapist and physical therapist assistant. In Texas, there are a lot of terms that are physical therapist and some are hydrotherapist, mechano-therapist, physical therapist specialist, kinesiotherapist, and physical rehabilitation specialist. As for the physical therapist assistant, the person who would use this term is someone who assists and is supervised by the physical therapist in the practice of physical therapy. Also, when they need understanding in physical therapy activities. In the state of Texas physical therapist and physical …show more content…

In Illinois, the person who can use the term physical therapist is someone who had gone through all the schooling, met all the requirements, and is practicing physical therapy. As for the physical therapy assistant, someone who can use this term is under the supervision of a physical therapist, met all the requirements of an assistant, and help assist in providing physical therapy help to the patients. As for the abbreviations that are associated with Illinois are closely related to Texas and they are PT, DPT, MPT, RPT, LPT and PTA. The physical therapist assistant in Illinois is licensed. Illinois is very different than Texas in the way of supervision they have. They have no supervision, however; the physical therapist will have everyone underneath them to supervise. The ratio that they have is also the same as Texas and that is the state does not have a ratio. In my physical therapy observation, I asked my supervisor about if they needed to wear name tags or it calls for them to require a co-signature. The physical therapist said that in the state of Illinois it all depends on the facility to make those rules. In my facility, the physical therapist and the assistants do wear name tags to identify them if they are a therapist or an assistant. Also, I could not find anything that had to deal with the guidelines of documentation but

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