
Essay On Presidency And Political Time

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Presidency & Political Time Political time deals with the years between major shifts in the ideological trajectory the United States undertakes; it exemplifies the presidency as the means to progress the political movement. Political time is not infinite; it is reset when the existing ideological trajectory is replaced by another. For example, the article discussed President Ronald Reagan as the executive that reset political time from the Democratic New Deal to a more conservative movement. The president of the United States plays an important role in political time. “Those operating on political time see the president as an agent of change poised to break through the knot of interests and institutions that block concerted action on the agenda …show more content…

Throughout the campaign, and even his first few months as president, we have witnessed him and the Republican party in disagreement. Also, as we heard from Dr. Hemmer, he has no real alliance to the Republican party; he does not align well with Republican orthodoxy. I think the rift in the Republican party will only grow as Trump’s presidency continues. He will continue to blame everyone inside his party except himself. This will create a disgruntled public ready for a change in 2020. I think a great example of where Trump differs from the Reaganism orthodoxy is on the issue of healthcare. The party has been attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act since 2010. They were unsuccessful during Obama’s presidency, but now they have a Republican president and Congress. However, they were unsuccessful a few weeks ago in their efforts. The Republican party is now in disagreement on what should be done with healthcare. Reagan, a staunch limit government supporter, would not share the same views on universal healthcare as Trump. Therefore, Donald Trump is a president who does not align with Reaganism; he will be the next Jimmy Carter (Kreitner,

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