
Essay On Billy Become President

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“We’re back, and now we have Miss Georgia who is a Journalist for the New York Times, and she has had a lot of achievements for her new book coming out about our world. She has traveled the whole world looking for the perfect story for the perfect time and ocasion. How are you Georgia?” “Well Jimmy I am doing pretty good right now, except for the fact that Donald Trump is our new president.” I sayed with a dissapointed look on my face. “Ha Ha, say how do you feel about our democracy now days?” “Well as a democrat I believe we should be a communist county, and we should have equal rights.” “Yah why didn’t Hillary become president? It is so stupid.” “I totally agree she should have become president, I dont think she did because of …show more content…

I will pay you $2,000, and I will pay for the first class ticket.” “Sounds good when do you want me to go.” “Could you leave tomorrow afternoon?” “ TOMORROW!” Now I was not going to pass on this opportunity, I mean who would pass on that, plus I needed the extra money. “Ah sure, I will be at the airport at what time?” “2:00, does that still work” “Ya sounds good” “Ok I will tell the airline, good night.” “Good night.” The next day I got out of bed and started to brush my long red locks. When my phone started to buzz, it was a text from the Miss. Raliff, which stated… “Hello Georgia, this is Miss. Raliff again and I wanted to let you know that we are all set and ready for you to go to Rome the fight leaves at 2:00 today hope to see you then.” “2:00, that is two hours from now and I live on the other side of New York!” So I rushed to my closet and through a bunch of accessory items into my suitcase and called it good, to be honest the thing that took the longest was putting on my makeup that is probably the most important thing. I through on some clothes and rushed out of my apartment as fast as I could. To be honest I was really excited to get out of this horable country I mean I would go anywhere except for America. With the airport as my target I ran to my car and pushed on the gas. When I got to the airport I rushed in to gate 35B with my phone in my hand, not knowing who this ladie was or how this ladie looks. When I got to

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