
Essay On Public Broadcasting In Canada

Decent Essays

Bringing Canadians Together

In 1991, Canada passed the broadcasting act in order to ensure that all media in Canada operates in way that provides unbiased facts to all Canadians. Through this act the Canadian Government ensures that all funds spent on financing public broadcasting in this fine nation goes to further developing our culture, and creating a distinction between Canadian and American ways of life. Public broadcasting see that each dollar spent on Canadian media solidifies a platform for Canadian identity to be built upon, instead of allowing American broadcasters to flow uncompetitive in Canada. By paying for media, the government also allows equal distribution of French language in the fourth estate. These reasons are why it is crucial that the Canadian Government finances public broadcasting, because the only way to meet Canadian standards is to create a Canadian industry who answers …show more content…

Or fox news do a report in Cree? Never. Because they are trying to make money, so they target the biggest audience. Sure they translate movies to French, but they never make the movie in French, and they never will. CBC will though. Because it was created to. Public Broadcasting is the only way to ensure that all predominant languages in Canada get equity in media. Private corporations won't put the money into these languages because they won't get the return of money firm the smaller audiences. Money. Funny little thing has come up an awful lot. That's because, and I stress this point poignant, every private corporation that thrives in today's age is about making money. It’s not wrong, it just is. Yet if the government pays for a public media source to make a movie in cree, or broadcast in French, they can do it because they do not have to worry about losing money. This allows media to show Canada’s diversity. And without media in other languages, we would eventually become a monolingual

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