
Essay On Reflective Practice

Decent Essays

According to Kail (2012), reflection is introspection as a result of events in our life and experiences good and bad. It results in how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us. Reflection is important for a leader and links his or her performance to their potential (Kail, 2012). Great leaders indulge in unpacking their thoughts and experiences for the benefit of others. Moreover, according to Muir, Scott, McConville, Watson, Behbehani, Sukkar (2014), “Reflective practice helps one in reappraising his or her professional performance for growth, learning, and development. Without reflection, one indulges in justification as a narcissist that makes him or her feel good about the events and prevents them from learning (Kail, …show more content…

Besides introspection, my strengths and weaknesses play a critical role in my work as a mentor. There have been times when I felt challenged to switch between an outward and an inward mindset. One such experience that resulted in growth as a leader as a result of a mistake was at the time when I lead the residency seminars, a district initiative specifically designed for novice teachers in the Resident Teacher Program. While preparing for one of the residency seminars the residency seminar team of four met to plan and collaborate on the presentation and professional development for an upcoming seminar. The plan was to have a common presentation for all grade levels. Two presenters who were tech savvy, started working on the presentation, which would be shared with the other two presenters. However, down the road, the two individuals who were working on the presentation found it overwhelming and asked the other two presenters for support. Due to different schedules and some external factors like adverse weather conditions, loss of power, and a weekend, falling …show more content…

Besides, the team reflection also helped recover the team morale and continued collaboration for the next seminar session. This episode helped me to find my leadership skills. Although, I had taken the right decision of switching roles to ensure everything went smoothly, yet, I learned that communication is the key in keeping all stakeholders informed of a situation and ensuring that everyone is part of decision-making. It is also important to keep a positive mindset, reflect in every situation, and avoid getting

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