
Essay On Revising The Second Amendment

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Revising the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution for Today At the time when the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed, circumstances were different than they are today. It should be amended, to reflect a consideration of the technological advances developed in contemporary firearms that consumers have access to today. Doing so would be a step toward curtailing future mass shootings by limiting the number of projectiles that a firearm can hold. When our forefathers wrote "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.", they were armed with muzzle-loaded, single shot, pistols, and rifles. While for many decades, …show more content…

Admittedly, people may hunt with this inherently inaccurate type of weapon, but there are more accurate alternatives available. At the same time, the banning of high capacity semi-automatic weapons does not jeopardize other legitimate hunting and target weapons at all. The Second Amendment, as it stands, is only one generalized sentence which does not take into consideration all of the factors in the case. For instance, the banning of certain types of weapons will not achieve the desired effect alone. Instead, a multi-faceted approach to the problem will be required to achieve the optimum effectiveness. For instance, in most cases, involving mass shootings, the weapons used were either legally obtained or were stolen by relatives of someone who legally owned the weapons. Perhaps, requiring all gun owners to securely store their weapons in a gun safe, and being held responsible if the guns fall into the wrong hand. Likewise, requiring more stringent background checks, possibly including psychiatric exams and a list of personal references to ensure that guns did not end up in the hands of someone who is mentally

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