
Essay On Rising Tuition Prices

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A Menace to College Graduates: Sky High Tuition Prices
College is a huge part of growing up. Teenagers are finally “adults;” they eventually move away from home and have their own undertakings. It is a great achievement to have received a diploma. However, this is being hindered by rising tuition prices. Unfortunately, this is the case for thousands of teens across the United States. Students are constantly trying to overcome the inflated tuition prices, but it is simply not working. The inflated cost of tuition is leaving students in debt far into their postgraduate years, potentially hindering their future financial stability and prosperity. Over the past decade, colleges have been depleting their budgets on superfluous investments …show more content…

This plan is to renovate Akerman Hall and to repair things as time goes on (¨Paradox of New Buildings¨). That much money could be spent on new teachers, scholarship programs, classroom essentials, and it can be used in place of government grants. Colleges are also experiencing an influx of student enrollment, causing their limited funds to dwindle. Over the past 40 years, the student enrollment rate has increased by 138%, making it extremely burdensome to supply every student with the chance of higher education. This increase began with the Baby Boomer generation as they “flooded colleges with demand for a limited number of spots.” As a result, there has been a major cost increase of 35% each year (Odland). In the 2018 Federal Budget, President Trump has decided to cut the Pell Grant funding by $3.9 billion. Consequently, slashing funding for this grant and other grants means that families that make under $40,000 per year will struggle to put their children through college, even more than they already do (deHahn). Each year, colleges are allowed to tap into a federal budget of $600 million, of which everyone needs to share. This is only 3% of the federal budget, earning at least 1% less than the Agriculture industry (Federal Spending). With only 3% of the National budget, and a considerable amount of colleges fighting for the money, it is obvious why tuition is skyrocketing. Students are having to pay extra tuition fees

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