
Lived Experience Paper

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To Review the Lived Experience of Nurses, when Carrying Out Risk Assessments on Patients who have Developed a Pressure Ulcer Future Research: This assignment has two parts, part one reviewed pressure ulcer prevention, and the gaps that were identified were: it lacked research on pressure ulcer management, individuals did not having enough knowledge on methods to reduce pressure ulcers, there was a low sample size and selection and there was a gap between the risk assessment process, and pressure ulcer prevention. For the purpose of part two, this assignment will look at the lived experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer and therefore, to review the lived experience of …show more content…

On the other hand, an advantage of qualitative methodology is that it raises more issues. Choy (2014), states that the strengths of a qualitative methodology is that, it raises more issues through broad and open-ended inquiry. A quantitative methodology was not used as it summarises results numerically which does not link with the research question as the research question is to review the lived experiences of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. G et al (2010), state that a quantitative methodology is uses results by numbers. After reviewing the limitations, strengths and another methodology, it is concluded that qualitative methodology will still be used, as it fits perfectly with the research question that was chosen, this is because qualitative research is about experience and the research question is to review the lived experience of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. A phenomenological design will be used as it is about experiences. Maltby et al (2010), states that a phenomenological attaches importance to measuring the meanings of people attach to their experiences. This is important, as the research question is to review the lived experiences of nurses, when carrying out risk assessments on patients who have developed a pressure ulcer. A limitation of phenomenology is

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