
Essay On Shovelnose Sturgeon

Satisfactory Essays

The shovelnose sturgeon, or Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, is the smallest species of freshwater sturgeon. The sturgeon go by many names. One name for this fish is the “switchtail”, which refers to the long filament on the upper lobe of the caudal fin. Another popular name for this fish is the “hackleback, which refers to the bony
The shovelnose is the most abundant of the sturgeon species and is found in the Mississippi River and Missouri River throughout the United States. The Missouri River and the Mississippi River systems tend to carry large amounts of sediment. Here the sturgeon inhabits the open channel or main channel areas of the large rivers. It lives on the bottom, often in areas with swift currents and sand or gravel bottoms. As with many fish species that live in rivers, the shovelnose sturgeon does not have a restricted home range and may travel long distances throughout its’ life.
The shovelnose sturgeon feeds on the bottom, using its protractible mouth to suck up its food. The diet is mainly aquatic insect larvae, consisting of mayflies and caddisflies. The sturgeon will also feed on worms, crustacean, and small fish. Because it’s a bottom feeding fish, …show more content…

During the spawning season, the behavior of the sturgeon changes and they start to swim near the surface and splash to attract the attention of mates. However, females do not spawn every year and therefore the population of this species struggles to thrive. When spawning does happen, it takes place in slower moving water where there is a sand or gravel at the bottom. After 3-5 days, the eggs will hatch and the larvae, being about 1 cm long, will drift downstream to rearing areas in the river where there are few predators, plenty of shelter, and available food. The growth of the shovelnose sturgeon is relatively slow, taking about 5 years just to reach 20

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