
Essay On Stop Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Fight to STOP Animal Testing!

Have you ever gotten a shot? Well, if you have before you know how unpleasant they are. Imagine that the shot/medicine wasn’t even made for you and it was made for animals, that wouldn’t be good for our body’s right? Well, that’s what some animals have to go through every day in animal testing. Think about how much harm the medicine is doing to the animals and their body. Would you want medicine that’s made for animals! I wouldn’t and so why should animals have to get medicine that is made for humans! That is why I think animal testing should be banned from the U.S. because millions of animals die a year because of animal testing and about 75% of the medicine that is tested on animals fails to work on humans …show more content…

It is cruel and harmful to the animal because when you put medicine in their body, it is more less just putting poison in their body. Everyday animals die in the US from animal testing because they have no protection or safety from it, if the animal is still alive it brings even more pain to it from feeling loneliness and fear from being caged in a lab.

That’s why many people are against animal testing because if you were mistreated, lonely and were caged in a lab without protection it would be horrifying so think about how those animals feel. Researchers and I think that animal testing should be banned from the US because if humans were tested on they would most likely go to jail for a long time so why is it treated differently when an animal is mistreated.

People that are against animal testing try to ban this from the US because “Supporters of animal rights oppose all animal experimentation and believe that animals should be entitled to the same respect for life and liberty provided to humans.” I also think it should be banned because the medicine they force them to take is killing the cells and tissues in their body, causing most of the systems in their body not to work properly or not work at all. That’s is why I think animal testing should be banned from the

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