
Essay On The Air Of Air

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The heat radiating out from the damaged spaceship’s propulsion unit, was so hot that nearby plants withered and disappeared. The water content of the larger trees came so quick to boil that they exploded like eggs in a microwave. Further away from the crash site, multiple fires had broken out all along both sides of the river, in which Drom (the pilot’s Artificial Intelligence Companion) was valiantly fighting. Using the ship’s magnetic force beams, it began scooping out thousands of liters of water from the nearby river and releasing the deluge over the fires. In and around the ship the confluence of smoke and superheated steam rose up into the cooler atmosphere and ballooned into giant mushrooms shaped clouds that temporarily blocked …show more content…

There were the times like these when he would’ve like nothing more, than to pull out his pulse cannon and blow the little crystallized demon into an thousands shards. Still far from being in the mood for its cutting sarcasm, Ronga, carrying his muck filled boot in one hand, hobbled over to where Drom rested on a makeshift chair and tilted the boot downward. “Not one of your better ideas.” Challenged Drom Looking back over his shoulders, Ronga found himself staring into more than a thousand liters of river water, complete with fish and other assorted river muck. “You wouldn’t.” challenged Drom “If any being would be privy to the answer to that question, it would be surely be yourself now wouldn’t it, since you reprogrammed me and all.” Replied Drom Knowing firsthand exactly what kind of viciousness his AI was capable of, Ronga tossed his boot aside and went in search of a safer place to change out of his wet clothes. “Status report.” He asked when he had moved a reasonable distance away before discarding his wet fight suit and his other equally saturated boot. “I would think that would be a little obvious.” Replied Drom “Besides the obvious.” Responded Ronga in a much sterner voice, retrieving dry clothes from the salvageable items outside of the ship and began to slipping then on. “What my preliminary scans have been able to tell me,

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