
Essay On The Compromise Of 1850

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The explanation of why and when certain slave states seceded is a series of chain of events. Starting with the Wilmot Proviso. The Wilmot Proviso was the proposal to prohibit slavery in any land acquired in the Mexican war. This really pissed off the South because they wanted to expand their slavery reins. As a result of them being bothered by this, the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 laid out that California entered the union as a free state, slave trade but not slavery was abolished in Washington D.C., southerners were able to claim runaway slaves, and the status of slavery in remaining territories from Mexico was left to local whites. Another controversial act was passed within Congress which allowed federal commissioners to capture runaways in free states without a trial and made it to where …show more content…

With this, the Kansas-Nebraska law was passed allowed popular sovereignty north of Missouri border. Northerner’s were angered by this due to breaking the Missouri compromise. Due to this law, the South became heavily democrat and the union became the republican party. All these changes and who was getting slavery where was getting frustrating amongst Americans. Once Lincoln became president, the secession started. The first to secede were the cotton kingdom (SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX). These states seceded because they felt President Lincoln was not going to fight for their slaves rights as well as the North not helping to bring back runaway slaves. The secession was said that they were fighting for their liberties based on “human equality” and “natural liberty”. After Lincoln became president and called upon men to fight for the North, VA, NC, TN, and AR joined the secession. The Confederacy did not want to give up their slavery

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