
Essay On The Home In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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William Faulkner, a writer in the early to mid-1900’s, focused his stories primarily on the American South. In Faulkner’s story, “A Rose For Emily”, he uses the symbols of time such as the house, pocket watch and the strand of hair in order to portray change and decay. One of the most prominent symbols Faulkner used is the Grierson's home. The house exhibits “heavily lightsome style of the seventies,” (451) At the time of its construction, it was the best around, envied by all, mighty and beautiful. Built by slaves just after the civil war its the embodiment of privilege and tradition. In recent years it is seen as an outdated eyesore. The townspeople just as curious in modern day as in the past wondering what lies behind the grim exterior of the home. They get close to the home when the stench of Homer rotting causes need for lime to be put outside of the house. Nevertheless, it isn't until Emily dies that the people get to satisfy their curiosity and witness the insanity that went on within that home. The house symbolizes time not just for the house, but Emily as well. When Emily was young, men sought after and desired her. Emily was gorgeous and as always, bold. Over the years, she changed, her physical …show more content…

When Emily talked to Colonel Sartoris “they could hear the invisible watch ticking.” (452). Though no one can see the watch it is still heard, there is an unseen pressure put on by time. Emily’s time on earth which once felt abundant is now coming to a close. Each tick of the clock reminds Emily that she doesn’t have much time left. She sees time as this unstoppable force that she has no control over, but it has complete control over her. She fears time, her moments dwindling before her. Her opportunities once greater and beautiful. Now Emily is trapped in the abyss that is time and with every tick of the clock, she grows more bitter and more fearful of what is to

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