
Essay On The Kingdom Of Dendi

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After this defeat the Morroccon’s first sacked the city of Gao and went on to raid the cities of Djenne and Timbuktu. This effectively brought an end to a unifed power and the Empire of Songhai and split into numerous separate and independent kingdoms. The Empire of Songhai had been one of the largest empires in the world controlling a vast geographical territory. However when the Kingdom of Morrocco attempted to mange the region they soon fell into problems and had to endure constant rebellions. As a consequence their victory was shortlived and by 1661 AD they withdrew from the region.
The Kingdom of Dendi
The Empire of Songhai established the Kingdom of Dendi in 1591 AD. The Kingdom of Dendi was established in the area of modern-day Niger near to the Niger River. The capital of the Kingdom of Dendi was Lulami and the Songhai people again resumed their gold trading activities. The Songhai people now controlling a much smaller territory continued with electing their line of kings named Askia as they had done in the …show more content…

They were originally motivated to travel across the seas in search of precious metals such as silver which were being heavily traded in Spain at the time as well as copper and tin, in addition gold jewellery of Egyptian origin has been found in the region. The Phoenicians also founded the city of Lixus in northern Morocco. The name Carthage originates from the Phoenician name of ‘Qart Hadasht’ which means New City, the population however remained largely Libyan. The mixture of African Berbers and Phoenicians eventually simply became known as Carthaginians. The state became a separate and independent kingdom from that of Phoenicia in Lebanon. By 600 BC conflicts had begun between the north African city state of Carthage and the European Empire of the Greeks who were also heavily involved in trade by

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