
Essay On The Ojibwa

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The religions of the Ojibwa are very comparable to the Kanina, as far as their belief in the supernatural. To them, even objects have a purpose. Spirits might visit them in human form or as objects like rocks or trees. Many were converted into Christians by missionaries and mixed their native and Christian beliefs. Just as the Kanina, this culture also had Shamans with specialty powers. They even had a tent, called a shaking tent, which they would use in order to talk to spirits, request help with problems, or hold ceremonies called Midewiwin. This ceremony hosts many purposes such as myths about origin and migration, healing, initiating new Ojibwa members, naming children, and many more. An additional tradition of the Kanina, that is familiar to us, is the round dance. Or, as we call it, the rain dance. It’s identified as the rain dance to us, because it’s said to summon the rain. To the Kanina, however, it was used to gain prosperity, rain, obviously, as well as function as a social gathering. The festival lasted for up to three days and in between the great deal of feasting, the chief would bring up important topics. The …show more content…

I have only known of people being cremated or buried as a symbol of respect for the dead. I’ve notice that in both of these cultures, what you do with the body means a lot to the people within the cultures. For example, the Kanina seem to be very superstitious and absolutely terrified of the thought of ghosts. Because of this fear, they must do everything in their power to make sure that their beloved bodies do not produce a ghost that could potentially haunt them for eternity. Their solution? Burn the body of their loved one, and all of their belongings. This included their clothes, firearms, personal nic-nacs and also their house, horses, and even their crops. Of course, this was before the nineteenth

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