
Essay On The Philadelphia Experiment

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The Philadelphia Experiment is possibly one of the most puzzling things in the United States Navy’s history. The experiment has racked up quite a few believers and non-believers over the span of 73 years since it apparently took place. Over the years the stories of the baffling experiment have been twisted and formed into what we now know, obviously the idea of teleportation and optical invisibility is very illogical, especially in the 1940’s, but the idea isn’t so peculiar to the minds of the people who believe the experiment took place and was successful; many things make the conspiracy seem true like the deaths of two men in particular but there are also ways to prove teleportation and optical invisibility were not achieved like: firsthand …show more content…

Morris K. Jessup and Phil Schneider. Dr. Morris K. Jessup was a smart man who studied the paranormal, which in this case would be the Philadelphia Experiment. He went on to write a book about UFO’s that also mentioned the experiment. Later on a man named Carlos Allende had sent an altered version, with notes in the book written by more than one person, of the book to the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Soon after Allende had done so, Jessup received the altered book and had an interview with the ONR because they wanted to publish the altered book with Allende’s side notes. After reading his book a man by the name of Dr. Manson Valentine wanted to meet up with him. Soon after the meeting was setup, in 1958, Jessup was retreating to Indiana to be with family but was found dead in front of his home in Gables, Florida. Many people believe Jessup’s death was very suspicious. The coroner ruled his death a suicide which Jessup’s family was very confused by because he had never shown any signs of depression whatsoever. A lot of believers of the experiment say that Jessup was killed for what he believed in but his death isn’t as suspicious as Phil Schneider’s was. (Bruce,

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