
Essay On Trump And DACA

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Trump and DACA In September of 2017, the Trump administration made a statement saying that DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) will come to an end, calling the program unconstitutional and criticizing it as "unilateral executive amnesty." DACA is an executive order created by former President Barack Obama, and the program allows hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who came to the United States as a child illegally to remain in the United States. The majority of applicants to DACA cannot have serious criminal history and must have been brought to the US before 2007, under the age of 16. DACA allows for these young people to live and work inside the US legally without risk of deportation. Now, the issue with Trump ending …show more content…

The challenge of the country and what Americans and US citizens find controversial is to deal with the problem of whether people honestly believe that everyone, regardless of legal status, country of origin, race or ethnicity, is entitled to the American dream, or if only DACA recipients are entitled to the American dream. There are two sides of the argument over the ending of DACA, on one side many Americans also support the continuation of DACA, and believe that the decision is cowardly, cruel, and bad economic policy. Americans and Latinos who support DACA say that ending DACA is a cruel decision because hundreds of thousands of these young immigrants will lose their jobs, be at risk for deportation, and will be victimized as criminals and dangerous people. However, the first thing DACA does when young immigrants apply is only accept young immigrants who are not criminals, so the fact that people believe that they are dangerous is stereotypical victimization, and their statement would be contradictory. On the other side of the argument, many Americans think that ending DACA is a positive decision by the Trump administration because they argue that DACA is bad public policy and violates core constitutional principles. They also argue that DACA provides an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens and gives its recipients work authorizations and access to government benefits, which is unfair

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