
Essay On What Happens When You Switch Off From The World

Decent Essays

What happens when you switch off from the world for 48 hours?

As a busy Mum of two aged 18 months and 3, a business owner, a Trustee for a group of schools and Vice Chair for the Chartered Institute of Marketing, you can imagine that the trusted mobile phone plays a huge part in my life. Whether I am planning my life on our synchronised family calendar, researching things to do with the kids, blogging, responding to clients, photographing my kids (I’ve taken a photo every day since I found out I was pregnant with my first born) or just catching up on social media when the kids are busy/asleep/eating, there is always something to be done.

My mobile phone gives me the freedom to do so much on the move as I no longer sit behind a desk for …show more content…

I could see the familiar red number of my inbox increase. I could see notifications from Whatsapp popping up. It felt difficult and alien to just see them and not react. This carried on, on and off for hours, made all the more difficult when that usual glow of the phone lit the tent. I felt embarrassed with myself that it was this bad. Was I really that reliant on my phone?
However, the longer this exercise continued, the easier it became. I started to feel less anxious about what I was missing. The FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) subsided and my head began to clear. I felt great, really relaxed and refreshed to the point when I wasn’t even thinking about my phone, freeing up my brain! A two night stay in the great outdoors felt like twice as long and I returned home vowing to take some applied learning’s with me:
1. Repeat the experience again. Like a muscle, I figure the more I exercise the no phone muscle, the better for my mind, body and spirit. And the easier it will be to do.
2. Be more conscious around my phone. I try and pick up my phone less, asking myself if it can wait. I find myself wasting less time doing the things that don’t add value.
3. Review my notifications. This one has been transformational for me! Not only does my battery last for days on end but NOT seeing the notifications for all of my apps pop up on screen seems to have a really positive effect. I’m so used to them not being there now

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