
What Was The Purpose Of Slavery Essay

Decent Essays

What was the purpose of slavery from the earliest colonial times until 1865? Well, as we all know, slavery existed in the United States during the early colonial times. While this was going on you had millions of women, men, including children who were being stripped or should I say disproved mostly from all their basic rights. Once they became slaves, they automatically had given up their rights to have freedom nor did they have the right to obtain any kind of power.
In the speech that was given by Governor George McDuffie of South Carolina. In response, the speech was handed over to the state legislature in response to the increasing evidence of abolitionists in that state. By reading this document, it basically states that he agrees in slavery and that it is approved even by god. At least that’s what he believes. African Negros are the perfect fit in his eyes for the job and they aren’t compatible for being a free man. “‘African can change his skin,’ it will be useless to try by and human power, to make free those whom God has doomed to …show more content…

Although they chose the African Negro race, race isn’t the cause for it. It’s all about money, power, and the ability to work. African Negros had very little knowledge about anything around this time, and the master saw this as an opportunity to profit off of them. Some people actually thought that no other race could get the job done like African Negros can. People such as the Governor George McDuffie of South Carolina believed that ‘African can change his skin,’ it will be useless to try by any human power, to make free those whom God has doomed to be slaves…’ Slaves were treated in a very horrific way, it seems as if they got beaten more than they deserved. The scars that were left after each whipping are scars that will never heal and that’s something that they just had to deal with. Why? They were property to others, so whatever the master says, goes. Simple. Do your job, or get

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