
Essay On Why I Chose College Admissions

Decent Essays

When thinking about Colleges there are many factors to consider. Location, Type of degree offered, price, size, and many more. Where you rank these factors by how much each matter it makes it much easier to decide. There are not many people in the world that have the exact same interests which is why there are many colleges that are fits for certain people and their interests. I have looked at my interests and types of colleges that would be great for me, and I have decided the the University of North Alabama would be a perfect fit. I would like to attend The University of North Alabama for economic reasons, the nursing program, location, and because I would fit in well with the students and staff.
UNA is close to my grandparents’ home which …show more content…

It was an eye opening experience because I was able to see many thinks that go on in the hospital that cannot be shown to the public. I was also able to meet the brightest people that I have ever met in my life. The doctors and surgeons at the hospital are the most intelligent people within the city, and it was a great experience to be able to talk and get to know people at such a high intelligence level. I was able to ask any question about careers because of the amount of different professionals I was involved with every day. I was able to ask questions about the best way to be a nurse, and even the types of nurse specialties. I was able to shadow any nurse I wanted to whenever there wasn’t work to be done, and I got to make great connections with all types of nurses. This will be at my advantage because I will know the types of nursing specialties along with the best route to take in order to get a higher degree. The experience I gained at the hospital will help me fit in well with the staff. I will know much more about nursing and all of the hardships that come along with it. Volunteering my time in the summer has helped me make my decision for being a

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