Yoga is the key to my harmony!
Yoga has been part of my life for the last 8 years and it has been a great experience. I have attended classes form variety of teacher and practiced variety of styles of yoga. I have had some great teachers and each of them have inspired me and motivated me in some way or other.
Yoga for me has been something which not only keeps me physically fit but has made me a grounded, level headed and a disciplined person. In general, I have always been a restless person with very little patience. Since I started practicing yoga I have developed lot of patience, discipline, flexibility, strength and I have been able to handle stress better than before and my bodily functions have improved a lot. I also believe yoga
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Unlike a gym, yoga teachers do not expect you to attempt a posture if you are unable to do so. If you are unable to do a posture you can attempt a modification or attempt only when your ability has improved. Yoga is not high intense like zumba or aerobics but rather a slow movement into a particular posture and holding the posture for a longer period of time with awareness of breathing. This immediately works on so many aspects of your body and mind. While holding particular posture for a longer time, we become aware of those muscle that are involved and their limitations and we can start to focus on that section and plan towards its improvement. Thus, yoga is all about knowing your own limits and not overdoing it either. If you do push yourself beyond your limits, you are likely to end up with a pulled muscle or some injury or other. I learned a lot about my body only after practicing yoga. Even though I had been going to the gym for quite some time before I started yoga, I never thought about my body in a deeper sense until I started practicing yoga. This slow movement and holding of postures helps you to introspect about yourself and focus on your body than at the outer word around you. One could say that with yoga, you do not compete with anybody and but rather only with
According to the website, yoga is proven to provide physical benefits of the human body, including increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, and protection from injury. Not only are there physical benefits to yoga, but also mental benefits such as improving a person’s mental health and is proven to increase coping skills. Furthermore, the American Osteopathic Association states, “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress pattern; relaxes the mind; centers
For centuries women have been depicted as weak beings when compared to men. In the early days, women were not allowed to go to work because men did not think they had the same abilities as they did. The role of a woman was to stay in the house, cook, clean, and take care of the children. However, through the World War II propaganda poster exclaiming “We Can Do It!” featuring Rosie the Riveter, women were able to prove that they had the same abilities as men and began a revolution in the U.S. workforce.
While doing yoga, the connection between the body and the breathing helps your brain to unwind and not to consider different things. Despite the fact that it is extremely successful for the psyche, it upgrades body quality, adjust and also adaptability.
The connection between breathing and your body in yoga, will allow your mind to forget about thinking and only relax. Besides being beneficial for the mind, yoga will also improve your physical strength, flexibility and balance.
Yoga is a comprehensive system of mind/body techniques that is thousands of years old. Its techniques are designed to improve physical and mental health and well being, and include such practices as physical postures and stretching, breathing exercises (pranayama), focused concentration, meditation, visualization, and chanting (mantra) (Desikachar, 1999; van der Kolk, 2014).
I write articles every week about the perils and promises of teaching and practicing yoga. Reading my articles will give you a lot of knowledge about yoga, so that you will be aware about the risky and the good sides of it. I teach yoga classes weekly, for the students nationally and internationally. So whatever nationality you are I will teach as best as I can, to share my skills and knowledge to you all. I hope we can meet there. I mentor yoga teachers who truly want to embody their teaching to show up more fully not only in studios but also to their lives. Teaching your students in the right and honest way will give you satisfaction and
When an individual participates in yoga, the individual is more aware of their surroundings and mind, and they are engaged with their breath while they transition from one pose to the next. This can allow for physical control and the mindset for the person that they are able to control their physical symptoms without the related arousal or tension that would occur normally. Over time, the individual may be able to tolerate an uncomfortable symptom or thought therefore, they can simultaneously live his/her life in a meaningful way with distraction from the
Yoga helps a person bring their mind, body and spirit into proper balance. Doing these exercises helps to build a body that has been weakened by injury or by a lack of preparation, and it improves one's posture and breathing technique. With
It also shows that yoga can improve more than just the quality of life in people.
This exercise can do a lot when it comes to improving your overall physical health. A research from physicians at the HMO Group Health Cooperative in Seattle discovered that yoga can help reduce diabetes, heart disease, and even chronic pain throughout the body. In other words, yoga works on building muscles and increasing endurance.
Yoga provides excellent mind and body exercise that will help with strengthening muscles, keeping your body flexible - and relaxing your mind.
It has always baffled me when I tell someone I love anime and they say they do not like it. They sometimes say I hate all anime saying that they never could get into that genre. This is a statement that gets my geek fathers rattled because anime is not a genre; it is an entire medium and whole form of entertainment. It is a confusing statement to say because to me that is like saying you hate all movies or TV shows. To traditional Americans who do not know a lot about anime, it tends to have a stigma attached to it. Hence is why I decided to write about it as a social deviance. When you talk to someone who has never experienced anime before, you tend to get some weird looks.
Very informative post Lauren. It sounds like yoga training is beneficial to all who are involved. I have never tried yoga because of my physical limitations, but it is something I feel has many benefits, both in self-care, and exercise. Thank you for sharing.
Throughout this six week session I've gained a much better understanding of yoga and how it really works. I've learned that yoga not only helps the body flexibility but also helps you throughout the day from the different techniques you learn and do on a daily basis. In fact, what I find interesting about yoga is that it's not all about physical activity but being one with yourself, as if getting to know yourself throughout these exercises. I also feel as though yoga helps release tension and negative energy from the body, while clearing the mind and making you feel like a new person after exercising. For example, every morning that I wake up there are times I don't want to get out of bed or do anything, but once I get to class it's like a heavy burden been released off of my shoulders and I begin to feel good and happy. Doing yoga puts me in a better mood.
The benefits of Yoga are endless. It effects the human mind and body in a variety of ways. Roughly 15 million Americans practice yoga, annually there is an expected increase of twenty percent in participants in the United States ("Yoga Statistics"). While Yoga is often thought of as a practice that involves circus like poses and seemingly impossible flexibility; it not. Even bedridden patients can gain benefit from imagining themselves going through the poses and practicing breathing techniques that are appropriate to them (Dickenson 24-25). Yoga is not something that you do at the studio and leave behind. It becomes a way of life; leading to healthier habits, improving psychological health, and encouraging spiritual growth. An article on