
Essay The Friar Is Romeo And Juliet Guilty

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In the book Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Friar Lawrence is guilty for the death of those young lovers. Friar is an honored and valuable man to the citizen of Verona City. Most of the time he was one of the persons, other than the nurse who helped them to fulfil their dream. The Friar directly and indirectly took part in the suicide for the wrong decisions he made every time to solve Romeo and Juliet's problems. He didn't make the right decisions at the right time, which caused Romeo and Juliet to suffer. The four specific examples of why Friar is guilty are that he secretly marries Romeo and Juliet, gives Juliet the poison, didn't give the letter to Romeo by himself and was too late to reach the tomb and by the time he reached there …show more content…

The forbidden marriage would have not happened if the Friar didn't help them. Their death could have been prevented, if they weren't together. At that time he wasn't only thinking about Romeo's love, but also how it would help their family to make a good relationship between them. Romeo and Juliet trusted Friar Lawrence completely. ¨Young men's love then lies / Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes¨ (II.iii.71-72). Friar knew that taking a quick decision is not a right decision. First when Romeo informed the Friar about his decision about marrying Juliet, the Friar thought it was not the best decision. He understood that people couldn't make a quick decision about love. Also, he knew that it will cause a problem later, since both of their family was full of hatred. However, after he was convinced by Romeo, he agreed to bring them together.¨ In one respect I'll thy assistant be, / For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households' rancor to pure love¨(II.iii.97-99). Friar Lawrence should have taken a long period of time to think through his decisions. However, he didn't because he was convinced by Romeo's words and thought their marriage could bring their family together. Also how it would bring peace to the society if the Montagues and Capulets reunite. In that time he should be thinking more about Romeo and Juliet, not their family and society. Finally, …show more content…

When Juliet went to the Friar to seek a solution, instead of taking more time to find a solution, he felt pressured to help Juliet so she would not commit suicide. He said, ¨ Take thou this vial, being then in bed / And this distilling liquor drink thou off;¨(IV.i.95-96). He gave the poison to her because he wants her family to think that she is dead and they will cancel her marriage with Paris. He should not have done that because if something goes wrong the whole plan would be useless,which actually happens later. He made the mistake by trusting a young girl with the poison. The Friar could have calmed her down by making a better plan when she was pressuring him that she will kill herself if he does not do anything. If he had not given the poison to Juliet, than Romeo would not have thought that she is actually death. He told Juliet that he would inform Romeo about their plan by giving a letter to him. So if he had not given Juliet the poison, she never would have been put in the position that she was in, which lead to her and Romeo's

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