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A brand is a unique name
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A brand is a unique name and/or symbol! Intended to recognize the goods or services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods or services from those of competitors (Aaker, 1991; Stanton, 1994, and Kotler, 1996).
The name of a brand is the basic indicator of the brand. The name of the brand is the basis for raising knowledge of the brand and Communication efforts. Often even more important is the fact that it can generate association which serves to describe the brand (Aaker, 1991). The brand name …show more content…

It has also been found that COO affects include (1) the tendency for consumers to assess their own country's products more favorably than imported products (Kaynak & Cavusgil, 1983), and (2) the tendency for products from emerging economies to be evaluated negatively (Bilkey & Ness, 1982; Cordell, 1992). Other studies also suggest a relationship between COO and the level of economic development (Wang & Lamb, 1993); products from developed countries are supposed as more superior to products from undeveloped and developing countries. The reasons for these perceptions have been largely attributed to the economic, cultural and political systems of the resource countries (Wang & Lamb, 1993). Morality causes consumers to purchase domestic products even though, in some cases, the quality is below that of imports (Wall & Heslop, 1986).
All products and services can be described in terms of characteristics or features that have been technically termed as attributes (Loudon and Della, 1993). Brands are made up of many product attributes, some of which affect overall preference and purchase strongly and others weakly or not at all (Banks, 1950). “Attributes are the characteristics or features that an object may or may not have (Mowen and Minor, 1998). For example, attributes of an orange juice to a consumer might include price, taste, quality, and packaging. Similarly,

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