I love animals because they exude an air of unconditional love, innocence and happiness to their people. Our animal friends love being a part of our lives and we love to have them with us.
But sometimes an animal comes into our life that is a bit "out there!"
For example, the pup with attachment issues who destroys your home when you're at work. Or, how about the cat who hides for ever when a friend comes to visit. Or, what about the dog who won't go potty if it's raining outside? Have you heard these stories before?
My cat's, Sammie and Max, love to hang out on our screened-in patio. But whenever the garbage truck comes rolling in, they flee for their lives!
The fears that our animal friends have might sound wacky to us, but these fears are completely justified in your pet's mind.
Applying essential oils to our pets can help
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Rub this mixture on your dogs pads, ears or comb through their fur. Apply any time you sense your dog is stressed.
To calm your horse: Mix together 1 drop of lavender, peace & calming or Roman chamomile essential oil with one drop of organic olive oil. Rub this onto your horse's cornet bands, tips of the ears or on their muzzle. Apply at any time that your horse is in distress.
To calm your cat: Mix together 1 drop of lavender, peace & calming or Roman chamomile essential oil with TEN drops of organic olive oil. Rub this onto your cat's pads, tips of the ears or comb through their fur. Apply at any time that your cat is in distress.
By the way, the essential oils in this article are also good for easing your anxieties, too! Dilution is not required on humans. Just apply a drop or two on your wrists, shoulders or behind your ears.
And the next time you're opening up a bottle of lavender essential oil, share some with your animal friends! They'll thank
4. Revitalize Paws - Once out of the bath, dry their paws completely. At this time, spray some of the Warren London Grapeseed Oil Paw Revitalizer directly onto the paw pads. Take your finger and rub it into the paws. This product works great on paws that are dry, damaged or cracked. It is filled with antioxidants and vitamins which help to keep them healthy and feeling
Mix all ingredients and blend into almond oil as a carrier. Use this oil to clear obstacles from your life and to create opportunities.
- Mix a drop or two of Peppermint Oil with olive oil, water or coconut oil and rub into temples, forehead and neck.
You can add lavender oil (10-20 drops), and/or tea-tree oil(10-20 drops) to the mixture. I just use the simple recipe above and so far, it’s working great. Before I started to apply this mixture, my dog was indeed getting ticks, and since using this, there hasn’t been any!
During that session they spoke about her anxiety issues and depression. One thing that triggers Megan anxiety is the fear of dogs. She won’t go outside of house if there are dogs running around her neighborhood; if she sees a dogs she walks the opposite direction to avoid the dog. When in close contact with the dog she will have an anxiety attack. Megan is now 20, is still dealing with the anxiety of dogs.
I started my essential oil journey around August last year. I had no idea about it at first. All I did day in day out was to research online the pros and cons of essential oils to everyday life. My interest grew deeper and I experimented almost every night, mixing my own potions to use for myself or to give to family members. As I am a big fan of subscription boxes, I thought maybe there is an essential oil company that sends out a box every month. Well, Google did not disappoint. It sent me to the Simply Earth website. I thought I've heard about the company before. Little did I know, I bought an organizer box from Amazon to store my new essential oils. Luckily, I kept the card that came with it with a coupon to redeem from their website. Long
Fill the spray bottle 3/4 full of water. Fill the remaining 1/4 with witch hazel. Add a few drops of each essential oil, I used about 3 of each. Shake the bottle, spray over your yoga mat, and wipe clean with a dry cloth. Leave your mat out to dry completely before
Cats are independent, intelligent, restful creatures; therefore, I chose them as my spirit animal. Cats are known as generally skittish creatures, often not liking humans who they do not know well. While some may see this as a bad trait, I see it as a sign of independence. It is well-known that a cat is never owned, only loved and cared for while they come and go as they please (“Totem Animals”). I myself am very independent, while I do depend on my parents for food, shelter, and transportation, once I am home, I leave to my room and usually stay there alone for a long while.
Make sure all fences are in good repair. Carefully check for any poisonous plants frequently. Most people do not have the knowledge to identify poisonous plants in their horse pasture. If you are not familiar enough with the poisonous plants for the area where you live to readily identify them, purchase a good photographic guide to poisonous plants. Inspections for these plants should take place often because seeds from these plants can blow in and sprout anytime.
A cat’s claw is as sharp as a chef's knife and it could really hurt you, animals or itself. Cats are very territorial animals, they don't like when they see other cats. An outdoor cat could come across another cat who isn't so friendly. I personally have had this happen. My cat is an indoor cat, and even though he doesn’t go outside too often he is very territorial. There is this cat who comes around and jumps up to the window ledge to “play” we don’t know if that is his intentions or he wants to fight. On the insde my cat is running back and forth, attacking the window trying to get to him. These events create a lot of stress and anxiety on my cat. It's not just other cats are the problem it is also other animals. Outdoor cats could attack other animals such as dogs, skunks, and so on. Cats are natural born hunters when it comes to wildlife, but where do
Apply 20 drops of lavender oil to your wash when cleaning your bedding for the last time. Also place buds of lavender in a small bed under your mattress: this will repel bed bugs from your bed.
Essential oils are the oil of the plant from which they were extracted. They’re basically concentrated herbs! They contain all the goodness that protects and maintains the plant, and we can use them to help support our own bodies’ health and wellness.
#* Dilute the tea tree oil with olive oil or coconut oil or aloe vera (such as one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and few drops of tea tree oil).
For example, the pup with attachment issues who destroys your home when you're at work. Or, how about the cat who hides for ever when a friend comes to visit. Or, what about the dog who won't go potty if it's raining outside? Have you heard these stories before?
Mix almond oil and geranium oil in equal amounts and apply around the vagina for the vagina dryness. Apart