
Essential Oils For Animals Research Paper

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I love animals because they exude an air of unconditional love, innocence and happiness to their people. Our animal friends love being a part of our lives and we love to have them with us.

But sometimes an animal comes into our life that is a bit "out there!"

For example, the pup with attachment issues who destroys your home when you're at work. Or, how about the cat who hides for ever when a friend comes to visit. Or, what about the dog who won't go potty if it's raining outside? Have you heard these stories before?

My cat's, Sammie and Max, love to hang out on our screened-in patio. But whenever the garbage truck comes rolling in, they flee for their lives!

The fears that our animal friends have might sound wacky to us, but these fears are completely justified in your pet's mind.

Applying essential oils to our pets can help …show more content…

Rub this mixture on your dogs pads, ears or comb through their fur. Apply any time you sense your dog is stressed.

To calm your horse: Mix together 1 drop of lavender, peace & calming or Roman chamomile essential oil with one drop of organic olive oil. Rub this onto your horse's cornet bands, tips of the ears or on their muzzle. Apply at any time that your horse is in distress.

To calm your cat: Mix together 1 drop of lavender, peace & calming or Roman chamomile essential oil with TEN drops of organic olive oil. Rub this onto your cat's pads, tips of the ears or comb through their fur. Apply at any time that your cat is in distress.

By the way, the essential oils in this article are also good for easing your anxieties, too! Dilution is not required on humans. Just apply a drop or two on your wrists, shoulders or behind your ears.

And the next time you're opening up a bottle of lavender essential oil, share some with your animal friends! They'll thank

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