
Essential Parts That Make A Church Plant Successful

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In this paper, we are going to look at some of the vital parts that make a church plant successful. We will first examine the importance of the location and will look at three reason why this is something that requires extreme thought and prayer. We will then look at finances of the church. We will examine the who and the how when it come the stewardship. Finally closing the paper, we will examine where the main growth will take place small groups. Looking at four areas of small groups that a church plant must have.
A successful church plant location is a vital part of the churches ministry. Malphurs says

Locating the church campus is the most important decision, because when you locate a strategic campus for your ministry community, you have made the decision for the location of the facilities and parking as well. They will be part of the whole package. At this point you need to keep all three in mind—campus, facilities, and parking area. And you actually begin with the campus—the geographical site.

This church is going to pick a location that is centrally located in the middle of town. As a church plant, we know that location is key and believe that being in the middle of town is going to maximize the ministry of the church. The location of the church is vital to the people who you are trying to reach. A successful church plant must be located within the community that is being served. Malphurs states that “For your unsaved, unchurched community, the church’s

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