
Analysis Paper 1

Best Essays

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Analysis Paper 1

Submitted to Dr. Rod Dempsey
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Small Group Ministries
DSMN 630-D01

Erica Shelton

March 30, 2014

Small groups are the proper environment to develop and grow disciples of Jesus. The purpose of a small group is to develop sacrificial, relational, transformed people who can continue the cycle of disciple development. Small groups must be intentional, individual and missional. There are five primary passages that can be used to form a small group ministry philosophy. Each of these passages have accompanying principles that we can apply to our small group ministries.

Primary passages that form a small …show more content…

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Small group environments help every part grow into their right place in the body. “Discipleship is about providing a means by which we begin to shepherd people in the direction of maturity.” It requires effort and intentionality to help people grow, discover their gifts and use them for the health of the body.

My church and its’ small group structures I currently attend and work at a church with 2000+ regular attendees. We currently have over 40 small groups that meet on a weekly basis. Small groups are at the core of what we do. Beginning at age 3, we believe that the small group is THE place to grow more like Jesus and practice the “one anothers” with one another. After reading the lecture notes church structure chart, I would say that my church falls between the attractional and organic view of small groups. We have an amazing new building that has a “come and see” feel; but, we also believe in relational missional groups that go out in the community. We believe that all gifts are needed in the body of Christ. We believe in forward movement, so we do count people and dollars. But our real success is measured in life change. We have a large budget that supports the staff and property, but a large portion of that budget

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