Ethanol induced stress is a common problem for cells, luckily the function of certain genes within the budding yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae prevent that from mortally injuring the cell. It was supposed that GUF YKL222C was one such gene. The experiment performed, if this held true was that a GUF deleted strain of the yeast would not be able to cope with the stress induced by the ethanol. Both the deleted strain and normal strains were supposed to survive under no stress, and the wild type to survive under both conditions. If the hypothesis was found to be null, then the gene deletion would function just as well under stress as the wild type.
One prominent study featuring the GUF YKL222C showed that a deleted version of this gene from the
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The cells with the GUF deleted and stress under both temperatures did not sustain a noticeable difference in survivability in comparison to the wild type. The two-way ANOVA crafted to detail the relationships (or lack thereof) between the conditions tested in [Figure 2] also proved to show no noticeable difference in survivability directly as a result of the difference in stress or temperature. The up-close microscope of each type of cell at 30C [Figure 3] showed some value. The GUF deletion under ethanol stress especially showed elongation, which can be caused by the cytoskeleton support of the cell being adversely affected. This was also observed in the wild type, but more so in the GUF …show more content…
While the results in [Figure 3] shows that the GUF deletion did not respond as perfectly as the wild type, this is not the kind of absolute reproductive and survivability failure expected if the GUF was essential for warding off ethanol induced stress. The survivability of the cell in the assay was the first indication that no catastrophic failure resulted, the ANOVA graphing supported this. The elongation is promising though, not for the hypothesis, which seems well and truly null, but for future potential experiments.
Elongation of the GUF deletion seems indicative that the loss of YKL222C's function has adversely affected the ability of the cell to maintain its shape under stress. The fact that many of the tests performed prior to the experiment seemed to show nuclear localization means that most likely the function of the gene could still be within nucleus as a transcriptional regulator, but it would appear, not in ethanol stress response. The apparent function of the GUF not only shown by the experiment by Akache et al., but also our own, would seem to doubly prove that the gene has some function in maintain the integrity of the membrane somehow (Akache B, Wu K, Turcotte B 2001). This would be an excellent starting point and proof for further experiment s as further evidence that the gene would appear to have a distinct role in maintaining the shape and integrity of the membrane, perhaps the underlying cytoskeleton
The expression of lanes 3,4,6,7,8 and 9 were expected but the expression of lane 5 was not expected. The reason lanes 3,4,6,7,8 were expected is that lanes 4,5,7,8 contain genomic DNA, which should contain multiple genes including the genes for Heat shock resistants. Also the genomic DNA in lane 4 and 8 under went heat shock condition, which led to the expression and amplification of Heat shock resistant proteins. This is also the case for lane 6, which contains heatshock cDNA. Since it contains cDNA that underwent heat shock condtion, that means the gene is being express and amplified in order to resist those heated condotions.
The sun is a source of UV light that is very hard for most people to escape. It affects our cells in various ways and sometimes causes cell death. In this experiment, to inspect the damage done by UV irradiation on the genetic composition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae also known as common Baker’s yeast. The strains of this yeast used were the cells that were mutated and the TRP1 gene was inactive. In this strain, the cells would not be able to produce tryptophan, which they need in order to grow. Phenotypic reversion of this gene was examined by first spreading the cells on SD medium without tryptophan and a complete SC medium with tryptophan. The yeast on the SC medium while they SD mostly died on the plate. However, in part two of the experiment whenever these plates were exposed to UV light the TRP1 gene was reactivated and growth occurred. On the SC plates as time went on there were less colonies formed. In turn, on the SD plates the pattern of growth followed a bell shaped curve; there were more colonies after the plate was exposed to half the time maximum time then when the plate was exposed to the maximum time. These results indicate that mutagenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae did in fact occur.
Three wells where eliminated from the experiment, because a vehicle control was not needed for this experiment. Images where then taken of the 9 wells, with the use of phase-contrast microscope, these photos were labeled (T0). After the images where obtained, the well-plate was placed back into the tissue culture hood, and the wells where treated with different treatments, so the effects could be observed. In row “A” contained the HepG2 cells by themselves, no treatment was added. Row “B” contained the HepG2 cells and 4.5µl of Ceramide, which was labeled as the positive control, and finally in row “C” the wells contained our HepG2 cells and the compound Epigallocatechin Gallate. The well was then placed back into the cell culture incubator for 24 hours. Following the incubation, photos where taken using the same phase-contrast microscope and the same area of each scratch, these photos are labeled (Tf). The before and after photos of the scratch are then used to figure out the percent wound closure, which determines the cell migration. In order to calculate the percent closure, the following equation was used; Percent closure=width of Tf box/width of the T0
One hypothesis was that the potential mutagens, Diet Coke and ThermaFlu, were in fact mutagens. With that in mind, the reason for carrying on this experiment was to test and see if our hypothesis was correct. As the experimentation proceeded, data showed that Diet Coke was the best potential mutagen, and was chosen to continue testing. With this substance being the focal point of the second experiment, the goal was to test different amounts of Diet Coke with the TA 1535 strain of S. typhimurium. Hypothesis was that as the concentration of Diet Coke was increased, colony growth would raise as well.
Following this initial study, our laboratory examined consumption behavior in mice that have a genetic knockout of the FABP5 gene. Similarly, both male and females underwent a limited access two bottle choice paradigm. The genetically knocked out (KO) animals were compared to wildtype. As originally hypothesized, the genetically modified animals consumed significantly more ethanol compared to wildtype animals. Conversely, following 30 minutes restrain stress, the FABP5 KO animals had a reduced corticosterone response compare to the wildtype animals. These results contradicted our previous study, using the pharmacological inhibition of
Ethanol is a non-polar and uncharged alcohol, when at high concentrations, will destroy the lipid bilayer barrier of membranes and increase ion
If I was to do an experiment like this again I could use a different variable instead of alcohols. Instead I could investigate a chain of alkanes or alkenes, “in order to test alkenes I would have to look into the association double carbon bonds have with one
Alcohol has been shown to alter normal brain development by interfering with normal cell processes responsible for cell division and gene expression. Guerri and Renau-Piqueras (1997) explained that alcohol affects cell division by inhibiting cytoskeleton activity. This increases the cells in the G0 and G1 phase, which reduces the number of mitotic cell undergoing cell division. A later study by Anthony, Zhou, Ogawa, Goodlett, and Ruiz (2008) found similar findings in the reduction of mitotic cells, but through induced apoptosis. They used mouse dorsal root ganglion stem cells to research the affect of PAE on the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle. Cell cultures were either exposure to 200 mg/dl or 400 mg/dl of alcohol, excluding the control group. These researchers found that alcohol exposure increased the levels of cyclin D1, cyclin D2, and E2F1, each of which play an important role in the regulation of the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle as well as subsequent cell division. Over expression of these proteins leads to decreased regulation in the cell cycle, altered DNA synthesis, increased DNA fragmentations, and ultimately apoptosis. This supports their findings of reduced cell numbers in the cultures exposed to alcohol.
Approximately 88,000 people die annually due to alcohol abuse. There is currently no medication intended to suppress the desire for alcohol; however, it may become a reality in the very near future. In the last year scientists have discovered that the Beta-klotho gene, originally thought to only regulate the progression of the FGFR4 protein in hepatocytes, may have multiple uses. Although it’s not extremely common in people, the gene may have the ability to be used in a drug to help repress the urge to drink alcohol. Scientists speculate the gene may also be the key to regulating obesity and heart disease.In other words, the Beta-koltho gene could potentially solve a few of society’s biggest
Then they could have discussed if each change was due to the tether or not based on their positions in the nucleus. However, this histogram does nicely portray that there is a change in gene expression for the 5 Mb surrounding the tether, although it does not show that all genes within this region were down regulated and the two cell types used have different patterns of expression within this region making it difficult to draw
For example, V. parahaemolyticus cells induced into the VBNC state by exposure to cold temperatures happened to be more resistant to thermal inactivation (42 and 47 °C), low salinity, and acid inactivation (pH 4) (Wong, & Wang, 2004). Koga and Takumi (1995) reported that V. parahaemolyticus cells in the starved state became more resistant to subsequent environmental stresses such as heat (47 °C) or osmotic
). The low tolerance might be due to the concomitant acetaldehyde and acetate formation during ethanol reassimilation in these xylose-fermenting yeasts. Acetaldehyde is very toxic to the cell, and concentration above 0.5 mM inhibits all cellular activity (Liberthal et al., 1979). Lucas and van Uden investigated the effects of temperature on ethanol tolerance and thermal death of xylose-fermenting yeast and determined that it was more tolerant of ethanol at lower temperatures (Lucas and Van Uden, 1985). Effect of ethanol on metabolic rate has been examined with ethanol added exogenously. Both Lucas and van Uden and du Preez et al. placed cells into media containing different concentrations of ethanol and measured the specific growth rate (Preez
The Alcohol in the agar interferes with the DNA synthesis of Gram-negative organisms which inhibits growth.
To solve Q1 and Q3 in Figure 1, we evaluated the performance of each tool in a variety of genes associated with lysosomal diseases. To evaluate the false negative rate of each tool, we submitted all 385 known disease-associated missense mutations of IDUA, IDS and GLB1 genes into these tools. Significant concordance was observed between the functional consequences of missense mutations predicted by various combinations of the tools. Out of 385 known disease-causing mutations, 155 (40.3%) were predicted to be ‘damaging’ by all 7 tools and 197 (51.2%) were predicted to be ‘damaging’ by at least 6 tools. As shown in Figure 2, PROVEAN and PolyPhen turned out to be the most
Because alcohol is not found easily in nature, genetic mechanisms to protect against excessive consumption may not have evolved in humans as they frequently have for protection against natural