
Ethical Issues In Chile

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In a globalized market, where profits can be maximized, lenient regulations are expected, and with environmental oversight, global managers are often faced with making ethical decisions. According to Satterlee (2014), “Ethically speaking, one of the most important issues global business professionals may face is that of being socially responsible in the cultures in which they choose to do business” (p. 52). In Chile, with an open-market and being ranked 22 out of 177 on corruption, ethically conducting business is important to the business professionals: to continue to grow a thriving diverse economy and to reduce poverty levels and to enrich the lives of the people (Albuja & Merino, 2017). It is noteworthy to mention that corruption in …show more content…

For instance, family, and extended family members are always in close communication and participating in family events throughout their lives; grandparents share a closeness with their grandchildren in sharing history and traditions (Chile: Family Life, 2017). Thus, their attitudes are reflective in their thoughts, decision, and actions to ensure the family unit remains intact and in the center of their lives. Secondly, the people of Chile value religion as research suggest due to over 75 percent identify themselves being religious over 85 percent are Catholic (Chile: Religion, 2017). Thirdly, education is valued and seen as a potential pathway to creating equality and furthering the reduction in poverty in Chile (Kretzschmar, 2014). According to Kretzschmar (2014), “Another key strategy of poverty alleviation was the improvements in education” (p. 4). Thus, Kretzschmar (2014) makes an excellent point, on how the positive impact of education will affect the Chilean society. Also, there is the value placed on education by the government that goes beyond primary and secondary schooling, through an initiative called “Chile Grows With You” which is designed for children from birth to five years to receive affordable early education programs (Peralta,

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