
Ethical Issues In Health Care

Decent Essays

“MEDICAL ETHICs as a branch of general ethics must rest on the basis of religion and morality They comprise not only the duties but also the rights of a physician “ (American Medical Association, & New York Academy of Medicine 1848, page 5)
Indeed, ethics plays a major role in the Medical profession. Doctors have an obligation to objectively follow the evidence in their assessments of the efficacy of pharmacologic and other interventions; to use and promote such interventions in the best interests of patients; and to disclose any financial, commercial, or substantive relationship with industry that might have an impact on patient care. It is not enough for physicians to believe that they are acting with integrity, they must also comport themselves in accordance with professional expectations, standards of relevant medical societies, polices of institutions, and legal requirements regarding conflicts of interest and obligations of transparency. Put differently, it is essential that patients trust their doctors to provide care that is both in their best interests. (Breault, Shenson, & Dugdale 2015, page 566) …show more content…

Although some medical errors such as wrong doses and medication have decreased with the introduction of technology some errors prevalence due to the New Healthcare reform and the high demanding of patients. Indeed “Declining reimbursement and increasing non-clinical duties have led many physicians to see more patients in less time. In addition, many physicians are using physician extenders to see patients in the office”. ( Campbell 2016, para 7

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