
Ethical Theories of Nursing

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When a person meets the unfortunate circumstance of being admitted to a hospital for an illness they are depending on healthcare personnel to have their best interest in mind and make them better. When people think of who it is taking care of them and making them better they specifically think of Doctors and Nurses. As Doctors and more specifically Registered Nurses it is their duty to have a client’s best interest in mind and always act in their benefit. This raises the question, what guides Nurses to maintain this mindset of always putting the patient first? The answer is their ethical duty, meaning every nurse is guided by ethical theories and principles which help guide them as a patient advocate. It is these ethics that make a …show more content…

Privacy and Confidentiality is relating to maintaining the security of a patient’s information and only sharing that information on a need-to-know basis with other healthcare members involved with that patients care and act to prevent breaches of confidentiality. Veracity as a word is associated with truthfulness. In nursing it is a duty to disclose pertinent information and the obligation to respect confidentiality at the same time. This means giving truthful information about the risks of a procedure while still respecting the patient’s confidentiality. These are the main principles of ethics as far as it pertains to nursing and knowing this information is vital to understanding ethical theories and how to better apply them as a practicing nurse. As mentioned earlier some of the Ethical theories are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. It is important for Nurses to understand the definition of each of these, as well as how to apply them, and how it benefits the patient. It is pivotal for nurses because it will ensure that they are preforming their jobs and duties with the highest regard to patient advocacy and maintain the ethics which nursing is based on.
Consequentialism, also referred to as utilitarianism, seems simple enough to understand as the word “consequence” is evident. Consequentialist ethics refers to the idea that the correct moral response is always going to be

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