
Why Is It Ethical To Disobey Law

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It is ethical to disobey the law under certain circumstances. Examples of these circumstances would be when a law is unethical or immoral. The law could also be treating people unfairly or violating someone’s rights. You must also have a strong claim stating why the law is immoral or unethical. One reason it is ethical to disobey a law is if the law isn’t moral. An example of an unethical law was the law of apartheid, which took place in South Africa during 1948 through 1991. According to “”, “Apartheid—that restricted nonwhites’ basic rights and barred them from government while maintaining white minority rule.” This means that everyone who lived in South Africa, and wasn’t white was treated unfairly. White people were given better jobs and ways of life, and they considered themselves superior to non-whites. Nelson Mandela had broken one of the rules that was under the apartheid law. He was thrown in jail for 27 years for breaking the law, but it was for a good cause. He believed that the law of apartheid was wrong and he wanted to prove that it was. Eventually the law was taken away because of the influences of Mandela and other people who supported the anti-apartheid motion. …show more content…

On a train ride he came across a man who tried to move him from his first class seat to the back of the train, because of his race. When he refused to move to the back, he was forced off the train. “His act of civil disobedience awoke in him a determination to devote himself to fighting prejudice,”(“World Leaders: Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi”). Gandhi did not move out of his seat because he believed that he did not need to move. He had bought that first class ticket to sit in that seat, so he should have been allowed to sit in the

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