
Ethics: Cyber Privacy and The Emergence of New Technology

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The recent revolutions of the world have changed how individuals live their lives. With the creation of new and advanced technology every era, individuals begin to trust new ways of communicating and storing our personal life. This has caused the Internet and cellular networks to be the newest information banks that all societies trust to keep their personal information safe. With these sources being accessed by people around the world, spy agencies are now looking at these information banks as sources to access the personal information of millions of individuals. With Internet privacy becoming increasingly questionable, the debate arises “Is it ethical for the government to access our personal viral information?” Since gaining access to …show more content…

The first is that their surveillance lacks legal footing since it is solidified with an unclear Fisa law. With no information needed about the individual, the NSA approaches the Fisa courts with ‘probable cause’ that a suspected individual who isn’t named needs to be surveyed. The program is also controversial since its goal is the protection of citizens against terrorism and other serious crimes when the way these objectives are met is through violating the rights of individuals. By overlooking these rights, the state is going against their duty under Article 2 of the ICCPR. This requires them to protect the rights of people under the influence of the government including those who are not citizens of that same government (Frank). If those they affect do not protect these rights, then there would be no need of having rights in the first place. This violation of privacy to many is logically unethical and unjust. Under this situation, using deontological ethics, Kant would state that individuals should not be use as a means to an end. Meaning that the government should not use people as a method to obtain information. This is based on those violations made by the government in taking away privacy rights to obtain information for ensuring public security. Under no exception would Kant agree that the government made the right decision in breaking privacy rights to ensure public safety. This is because

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