Due to these successes, I was elected to the New College Student Alliance as Food Service Representative to advocate for social justice, ecological consciousness and equity in the campus’ food supply. I attended weekly meetings with faculty, administrators, and food service staff to develop a call for campus dining service proposals that reflected our community’s values. During meetings and press releases, I was an active panel discussant that continuously had to negotiate multiple identities— student, teacher, staff, boss, colleague and subordinate. Through these experiences, I learned the art and challenges of shifting between multiple identities when negotiating access to stakeholders, informants and gatekeepers. I successfully built rapport …show more content…
I investigated the conjunction of capitalism and conservation by tracing the movement of specific cultivars, noted for their genetic diversity and cultural heritage through restaurants’, value chain. I explored the meaning of three ‘heirloom’ cultivars—tomato, rice, and coffee—in terms of biology and conservation, industrialization and modernity, and cultural memory and heritage. As primary investigator, I had a principal and central role in developing the interview protocol, data acquisition, data analysis and interpretation. I designed a multi-sited ethnographic research project as it would allow me to explore dichotomies of the local and the global. Over the course of three months, I conducted in-depth ethnographic interviews and participant observation at three restaurants with producers, restauranteurs and consumers. In doing so, the study traced heirlooms through circulations where value was added, appropriated, and distributed to explore their shifting status from resources to commodities. Multi-sited methodology taught me that objects that span more than one social world cannot be reconstructed by exploring one site or …show more content…
Marit Ostebo. Dr. Ostebo, who has extensive and long term experience conducting ethnographic research among the Oromo ethnic group in Bale, will accompany me during the initial fieldwork, and assist me in locating research assistants and gatekeepers. Her recent research on cooperatives in Ethiopia will also prove invaluable when navigating methodological limitations and understanding how interactions operate on the ground. I have also established relationships with Dr. Brenda Chalfin and Dr. John Richard Stepp to further work in political economy and environmental anthropology. Both professors offer unique expertise that will compliment this interdisciplinary research, prompt me in new directions and situate my findings in a global context. This support will help ensure success in all aspects of my research and has already been invaluable in guiding the refinement of my
While conducting my ethnography I have interviewed five All-Girl members, and four Coed members of the Spirit program. By interviewing one more All-Girl members I hope to even out my biases due to being a part of the Coed team. Yet, before defining the differences found between the two teams, I will share the apparent similarities. Both teams show strong linguistic accommodations which I have observed at numerous appearances, such as changing the way one would speak due to their audience. When present at an appearance all members of the Spirit program are expected to intermingle and socialize with attendees. During the course of this exchange it became apparent that accommodating for the age of audience drastically changed the way the team members spoke. For example, when Jules Wazny was speaking to an elderly man she reduced the tempo at which she spoke and asked questions about the game and respectfully shook his hand; yet when she was speaking to a child she spoke in a higher pitch tone, offered the child her poms to play with, and asked questions such as how old the child was. These actions represent convergence, changing ones language to better fit the style of the recipient, which was not only found with All-Girl Cheerleader Jules Wazny, but also throughout the program. An example from a Coed member was Vivi Benbrook changing how she spoke with a middle age male, in a calm and respectful manor asking questions of the game such as where his seats where, and if he thought we were going to win. Contrast this to when she spoke to an elderly women, she used a higher pitch when asking if she was excited, and telling her to stay warm in this cold weather. All members, once wearing affiliated attire, whether it is practice gear,
In a 2008-2009 ethnographic case study of four fifth grade classrooms with varying levels of Native American student enrollment, Stone and Hamann (2012) seek the reasons for performance disparity amongst American Indian students’ attending schools that implemented inquiry-based mathematics through the Investigations, an inquiry-based math curriculum. Additionally, Stone and Hamann (2012) examine what, if any strategy existed at the fourth school that explained high achievement amongst all student groups. Employing multilevel modeling of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Cohort of 1998–1999 (ECLS-K) Robinson (2013) examines the association amongst the influences of poverty, math achievement, and behavioral
Low, Taplin, and Lamb, Battery Park City An Ethnographic Field Study of the Community Impact
Culture is defined as the traditions, customs, norms, beliefs, values and thought patterning passed down from generation to generation (Jandt 2010). The world consists of many different cultures. In this Ethnographic Interview, I was given the opportunity to explore and learn more about a culture different from my own. Through observation I’ve have seen how people of different cultures differ from mines. For example, the type of foods a person
The caretaker first noticed that something was when her mother was cooking but continue to leave out ingredients in the food. The mother also would start rumors about the people in the neighborhood and family members. On one incident is when the mother lost her purse and blamed in on her grandson saying he stole her purse. She had everybody thinking he stole her purse and also tried to stab him with a knife when along the purse was at the church. In another incident the caretaker stated “mother say her daughter child’s father was sleeping with her cousin”.
To understand ethnographic observation, in assignment six we were to conduct an observation of elevator behaviors. I have choose the elevators located in the New Science Building of Eastern Kentucky University of Richmond campus. I have observed total of 13 minutes in two separated dates, on February, 8th from 10:00 AM to 10:05 AM; February 9th from 11:00 AM to 11:05 AM, and 12:15 Pm to 12:18 PM
A norm is a socially expected behavior that may change based on a person, place, or situation. An agency is a freedom of choice. For my ethnographic research, I have to observe a public place in which people commonly interact with each other. A public place that stood out to me was the Lockwood library third floor. I chose this location because it is not similar to a usual library, it is the complete opposite. Libraries enforce strict rules like no eating and no talking. Lockwood floor three says otherwise. The floor is filled with long tables that can seat around twenty people each. Ironically, there are no bookcases on this floor, just tables everywhere. There is one group study room on this floor which can be reserved by students which is the size of an average classroom.
Everybody needs to live somewhere, and wild animals are no different. As winter weather approaches, it is a good idea to take a look around your home in Bergen County NJ and make sure you aren't unknowingly inviting the local wildlife to come and stay with you. Peruse your property and look for potential trouble spots that might appear as welcome mats to unwanted critters. If you find them, fix the problem before the weather turns any colder.
Everyone from the campus board members, teachers, students and community members are completely unaware of the goal we have set and the means it will take to accomplish them. Our food system is something that most people choose to overlook, due to how personal it can get when dealing with our daily food choices. This mindset needs to change altogether and it can be hard, especially dealing with college students, parent’s money and school cafeterias. We need to continue to raise awareness about this issue and what we can do to change it, by using stickers, posters, word of mouth, events or other means of
The school that I attended for high school was very rigorous, with a strict uniform policy. Girls had to wear grey skirts that were no more than one inch above the knee. The height of the skirts wasn't really enforced too much, until several girls started getting called out for rolling theirs up and wearing them “too short.” Due to this, our principal decided to enforce the rule more strongly, and hired someone to stand in the lobby with a ruler and measure the length of the skirts of all the girls coming into school. If the skirt was more than one inch above the knee, parents were called and the student wasn't permitted to attend class. Because the majority of the female student population of the school disagreed with the principal's views
This is my first time that I come to New York, so I am curious about many things in this new place, such as the famous resorts, and the people here. As we know, the Times Square is very famous in New York. When I was in China, I hope I can visit Times Square, because I saw Times Square was very great in some of the opening of American series. Now, I am in New York, and I have enough chances to visit Times Square whenever I want. In there, it gives me a new horizon to understand the culture that is different from China.
I set out to find a place to begin my observations, not knowing what to fully expect, what I may find. So I decided to look around at what is close to my home that isn’t a place I frequent or have even visited at all. Then it came to me, the Starbucks that is only about a mile away is a perfect place for me to observe subjects that I would consider different from myself, seeing as how I consider such obscene prices for coffee ridiculous. Starbucks is a very popular chain of coffee vendors that describe their product as more about quality than what Americans are used to in typical coffee joints.
Make art, make a difference! I anticipate to learn more skills and become more experienced by going to college. Art Academy of Cincinnati, home of the Stinkers, is a private non-profit college, and offers the majors I am most interested in pursuing; photography and digital design.
Ethnographic research is the scientific description of specific human cultures, foreign to the ethnographer. Each ethnographer has his or her own way of conducting research and all of these different ideas can be transmitted and understood in a number of different ways. Because there is no one set idea of how an ethnographer should go about his or her research, conflicts arise. In Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Paul Rabinow uses a story like process to discuss his experiences during his research in Morocco. This makes it easier for the reader to understand his ideas then just having a technical book about the many different aspects of Moroccan life that he may have discovered. In Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of
Looking at other prestigious colleges with higher sustainability rankings, two main efforts seem to be missing from Harvard’s repertoire of efforts: student knowledge through multiple campaigns and tray-less dining. Using a survey of Harvard students that eat at Annenberg, a freshman dining hall on campus, students seem to understand that something is missing. With all the efforts that Harvard has done to create a sustainable, green dining hall experience, the student-viewed reality sees a lack of these efforts; therefore, Harvard can take multiple measures, including campaigns to make students more knowledgeable about Harvard University Dining Services’s efforts and efforts like