
Eukaryotic Cells In Childhood

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One step at a time, encounter many phases to adulthood The human body is composed of millions of different microscopic cells that join to shape who they are. Cells are considered the basic building blocks of living things and have many parts, each with a different function(1). The nucleus within a cell is where all the genetic information is stored. Within the nucleus, there are twenty-three long threads of DNA known as chromosomes. Each chromosome contains heredity information to direct synthesis of proteins. Cells in humans and plants are known as eukaryotic and cells in bacteria are known as prokaryotic cells. Each cell divides and replicates itself to grow and to replace the cells that are lost regularly including the cells in your skin. …show more content…

This cycle is conventionally divided into five discrete phases: gap phase 1(G1), synthesis, gap phase 2 (G2), mitosis and cytokinesis. During G1, the cell grows and prepares itself for division. Cells often pause in G1 before DNA replication and enter a resting state called the G0 phase; cells may remain in this phase for days to years before resuming cell division (book). During the synthesis phase, the cell synthesizes the genome in chromosomes to produce two sister chromatids held together at the centromere by cohesion. Once the cell has undergone the synthesis phase, it goes to the G2 phase. In G2, the cell undergoes its second growth face and prepares for the separation of the newly replicated genome. The G1 and G2 segments of interphase are periods of active growth, during which proteins are synthesized and cell organelles are produced (book). G1, synthesis, and G2 together constitute

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