
Eulogy Essay About My Best Friend

Decent Essays

I know I have told you a million times, but thank you. For honestly just being my best friend. You have seen sides of me that most people haven’t. You have shown me that how many friends you have, really doesn't matter. If you have one true friend, you are set. And you have been that one best friend for me. I have watched as you and I have grown so much closer over this past year and I really do believe that if I hadn’t of had you in my life, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I know that we have talked about this so many times, but I still can’t believe the way we became friends. Like what are the odds that both of us apply for a job at the same time at the same place? Like I realize that Beatrice is not that big, but still, what is the …show more content…

I can’t even count how many times we have bet over silly things, and how many times we have both lost and owed each other something. (Side note: can wait to get a new pair of yoga pants since you are going to win Homecoming Queen). Or how many little fights we have had over stupid stuff. Our little fights may be stupid and childish, but no matter what they are over we always seem to get in a good laugh about them after we figure out who was really right afterall (usually you). Thank you for always letting me borrow your clothes and for making sure that you always buy clothes in the right size so I can wear them too. I appreciate how sometimes people think I go to Leweston rather than Beatrice just because of all the Lewiston I have taken from you. Thank you for always listening to my stories, even though you have probably heard most of them before, but you still sit there and listen and give me advice on what to do. Thank you for always giving me your honest opinion, even when it isn’t what I always wanted to hear and half the times I still didn’t listen. But I appreciate how honest you always are with me. I know that sometimes it is not easy to tell me those things, but thank you for doing it anyway. Thank you for the endless long talks, and all the great memories we have had. So grateful for you and everything that you do. Thank you for being my best friend

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