
European Colonialism

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In the fourth group of documents, Texts from the Modern World, the common theme in all five primary sources is European colonialism. The documents show different beliefs and notions about European Colonialism drawing from the point of view of both its beneficiaries and its victims; out of the five documents three were written by people of European descent and two were written by indigenous people. Europeans, such as Rudyard Kipling, John Stuart Mill, and Lewis Cass, see colonialism as being a mutually beneficial relationship between Europeans and the indigenous people they encounter. They believe that they there are not only benefitting economically from colonialism, but that they are also doing a good to the human race by introducing the indigenous people they encounter to civilization. While some indigenous people refuted European efforts of Westernization, others fought for the right to benefit economically and socially from colonialism, and argued that the Europeans were not keeping their promise to them. In the document, “On Colonies and Colonization,” John Stuart Mill makes an argument in support of European colonization. Mill recognized that colonization was boosting the English economy, but he took his argument further, saying “The question of government intervention in the work of Colonization involves the future and permanent interest of civilization itself, and far outstretches the comparatively narrow limits of purely economic considerations.” In his opinion,

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