
Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and learning strategies in your subject area in meeting the needs of learners.

Decent Essays

Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and learning strategies in your subject area in meeting the needs of learners. Your response should include an examination of how these could be improved or enhanced and how college management could be involved in making such improvements / enhancements? For my class it is vital to identify the most appropriate level of the course for the learner. Also, the students should know what exceptions and the regulations they need to follow. For that the college could train staff to present the high quality initial assessment and induction to ensure the management of the class is of high standard. I need to make sure students with different learning styles; visual, aural, …show more content…

I make sure the learners received high quality induction information about the inclusive strategies and I will discuss with college about the reasonable adjustments that should be made for the disabled students within my class, at College or while they are on school trip; for example for their health and safety arrangements in a work placement. If any support teachers or guest lecturers are delivering my scientific sessions I will

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