
Evaluation Of A Client With A Potential For Ppd

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Timing is key! It is outstanding to know that PPD is definitely treatable, especially when caught early. Two well-known assessments can be used when evaluating a client with a potential for PPD; these two tests are the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS). The EPDS is used as a screening assessment tool, not a diagnostic tool; It is used to pull out women who may need follow-up care. This assessment should be completed preferably twice, but at least once. The best time is 6 to 12 weeks after birth. It is a pivotal point that the nurse explains when utilizing this tool that it is not referring to just the current day, but to the previous seven days. EPDS is a 10-item …show more content…

These groups should be geared towards the mother developing skills to take care of her newborn and teaching the new mother how to cope (Moshki, Baloochi, & Cheravi, 2014). It is also helpful to set goals that will include positive reinforcement from the nursing group (Moshki, 2014). With good observation, the nurse has the opportunity to recognize difficulties the new mother may be experiencing (Cavalcanti, Marques, Guimaraes, de Oliveira Mangueira, da Silva Frazao, & Perrilli, 2014) What Should be Done Next A way to significantly decrease issues from PPD is for the nurse to make weekly phone calls or postpartum home visits; this could potentially save the life of the newborn or the mother herself (Lowdermilk, 2016). The nurse should also work closely with the family to ensure all areas are covered; for the areas that are not, the nurse should encourage the family and friends of the mother to help out until she has gotten through this tough time. Not only is the new mother experiencing changes, but the partner is also. The nurse should provide opportunities that are nonjudgmental for the partner to express their concerns and feelings, strategies for coping, and motivation to continue support the mother (Lowdermilk, 2016). As long as the mother and infant remain safe hospitalization can be avoided. The nurse can also recommend some of the many community resources such as child care that is temporary, homemaker services,

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