
Evaluation Of A Likert Patient Preference Questionnaire Essay

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As a result of the activities performed above, the following products were produced. Staff established a Likert patient preference questionnaire (See Fig. 3 in Appendix). Also, each Likert item was scaled. Barriers to testing were identified to include on the Likert questionnaire. Dependent variables identified are patient preference before and after the procedure (de Wijkerslooth et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2012); pain level, recovery monitoring, burden, differences in procedural time and recovery time (Boellard, van der Paardt, Eberl, Hollmann, & Stoker, 2011). Independent variables included age, sex, ethnicity, region/center (Boellard et al., 2011). The study would involve four groups: Group 1: Preference OC list with the willingness to undergo CTC (1875 subjects); Group 2: Preference OC list not willing to undergo CTC (1875 subjects); Group 3: Preference CTC list with the willingness to undergo OC (1875 subjects); Group 4: Preference CTC list not willing to undergo OC (1875 subjects). Finally, a comprehensive report and images of the intestines and surround organs were devised for CT colonography and colonoscopy. By assessing pre-Likert questionnaires, the staff could provide the necessary environment to make patients feel comfortable. By evaluating the post-Likert questionnaires, staff will be able to cater to the patient’s needs better because they can truly see which screening procedure the patient is most comfortable with. To evaluate specific Likert items, the

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