In this section I will explain and describe each part of a Research Designed Process and how researchers use this process. A research process is an iterative process which is complex, is always back and forth when it comes to a process, this process never ends. This process goes two ways there is a Quantitative research and a Qualitative Research. The first way that I will talk about will be the Quantitative Research.
The way that Literature is defined in the research process is as an assessment of a body of research that addresses a research question. The main purpose of this is to identify what is already known about an area of a study. It also explains why a furtherance of this study is important in the research question of a field. Literature includes three types of knowledge and these are Content, Method, and Theory. Content is what we know regarding our research, the method is what we use to know what we know about the research and the theory is why we know what we know about the research. What these three components mean regarding our research is that content are our ideas, methods are what we use to get what we want in our research and the theory is what we know and apply to the research.
The way that Theory is defined in the research process is as a way of making sense of a situation. They represent uncertain solutions to problems. A theory is a generalization about a phenomenon an explanation of how and why something occurs; a system of generalizable statement
WHAT IS RESEARCH? It is a planned process whereby information is collected for a specific purpose, analysed and reported.
Yes. In the article, the aim of the research was to understand the experience of participants, their knowledge about type 2 diabetes, and the factors of medication adherence in Malaysia. According to Susan (2010), the five components of PICOT are population, issue, context, outcome, and time. According to Al-Qazaz et al (2011), the PICOT was presented by the researcher in the study were,
In the scientific world, the word “theory” is formally used to describe a collection of hypothesis, facts and observations of an aspect of the natural world. A theory for science is something that already has a very well grounded explanation, evidences and a model to confirm or not the theory. Also, a theory is open to new hypothesis and new observations. For example the Evolution Theory, Relativity Theory. However, in the daily language, “theory” is widely used to describe something that people are not sure about, some hypothesis that someone makes to suppose an event. For example, when a flashlight does not want to work, we make a theory that the batteries are dead.
Theories are a set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon (an observable fact or event) that is
Theories are a series of interconnected proposals. Theories are an effort to describe, explain, predict, and finally control a period of events. We are able to base our experiments and select the contenders for the experiments off of our theories. We are able to test our theories by how well the cumulated data describes, relates to and predicts reality. Theories act as patterns for interpreting specific data that we may refer back to. These patterns ensure we stay on topic and are able to obtain the proper results needed to verify our theories.
Theory is a journey to uncover the past and improve the future. By uncovering and analyzing a discipline’s theoretical journey, insight and self-awareness are gained. According to Meleis (2012), “Theories are reservoirs in which related knowledge is articulated and organized into meaningful wholes” (p.33). By implementing and analyzing theories, empowerment and guidance for the future is obtained.
Theory explains how individual act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things. The meaning comes
A theory is a set of systematic informed hunches about the way things work. A good theory goes beyond accepted wisdom and offers explanations and speculations about phenomena. Additionally, a good theory consists of a system of concepts which means that the theorist were able to make connections among his ideas. A theory tends to shape our perception of reality and behaviour and guides us through unknown areas.
A theory is an explanation of why or how things are related to each other (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). Additionally, a theory is defined as a plausible or scientifically acceptable principle, or a body of principles, offered to explain phenomena (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2017). Furthermore, crime theories examine and attempt to identify relationships among humans, criminal behavior, and specific factors such as biological factors, psychological factors, sociological factors, and economic factors (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). Since we have defined a theory, let us further discuss how theories are created beginning with the components of a theory.
2. Theory simply means we come up with a problem, and we look for a solution. A theory is a series that tries to
According to Haralambos and Holborn (2008), a theory is a set of ideas which attempts to explain how something works.
As advancements are made in science and technology that relates to the care of patients, it is critical for nurses to be aware of the treatments that have been proven to be evidence-based. Systematic research reviews (SRR) are considered to have the highest ranking or level of evidence falling under level 1 evidence for reliability, validity, and least amount of error (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p.607). The aim of this paper is to critique the chosen SRR related to core temperature obtainment in children, relevance of the research problem to nursing practice, rigor of the research found in the SRR to include levels of evidence and designs of included studies, the clarity of findings, summarized findings in the SRR, and the implications for practice.
According to Depoy and Gittin, research is a way individuals think about problems in systematic way. Research is generally described as description, exploration, analysis, prediction and problem solving. There are different types of research and these researches are called the experiments, quasi-experiments and non-experiments. The purpose of research is to provide the insight to practice, it also enhance individuals understanding as well as developing new approaches with different topics, get to test your research for effectiveness. Understanding research is important because it helps to build individuals knowledge bases and informs decision making in practice. Research also enable us to make sure that our practice are up to date with relevant information.
A theory is primarily meant to explain or predict an event, behaviour or outcome. Proponents of a theory look for evidence to support the theory. This evidence should be independently observed and consistent after repeated observations. Some theories are speculative or ideas or guesses floated to encourage researchers to undertake the observations required to prove or disprove the theory. The question often debated is what comes
A theory is an abstract statement formulated to predict, explain or describe the relationships among concepts, constructs, or events.