
Evaluation Of The Curriculum Documents

Decent Essays

Throughout the reading of the curriculum documents the thing that stood out the most was not the units and lessons themselves, but the procedures that my classmates shared of how they run their classrooms. Many of the procedures I had heard of before, but had never tried because I didn’t know how they would work in an art classroom. Seeing how other teachers are able to use warm-up activities, the release of teacher control in the use of station, and seeing assessment through the scope of another teacher has inspired me to change how I do these things. One thing that stood out was how Kara Litchfield (2015) starts her lessons with a “Do Now! Warm-Up” activities. These activities help students get into an art mindset after being in other classes. Using these warm-up activities gives students “positive stimulation by the teacher so as to express their own ideas” in a short amount of time (Steers, 2007, p. 144). Through these activities students will also will be reminded what they have been working on in previous art classes, saving time on reintroducing information by having the students do a quick activity before class starts to get busy. These warm-up also get the students in the room and engaged quickly so they have little time to be off task not thinking about art. Using these warm-up activities Kara Litchfield is using the time given to her in the fullest possible way. Another part of Kara Litchfield (2015) curriculum document that stood out to me was her use of

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