
Evangelical Protestantism Vs. Catholicism

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Amanda Powell
World Religions
Larry Poston
Evangelical Protestantism versus Catholicism

Protestants and Catholics are constantly being compared and weighed against one another in order to declare whose faith is best or true. Though there are many similarities between each faith as they are both Christian denominations, their differences cause much friction between the two groups. Some of the foundational Catholic beliefs revolve around the ideals that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that the Bible is the inspired, error free, revealed Word of God, and the existence of the Holy Trinity, which is one God in three persons. In the Evangelical Church, there is only one God, the creator and ruler of all things. Although the nature of …show more content…

The Protestant Church split from the Catholic Church in protest of how they conducted worship and the doctrines they had been practicing. Like other Christians their core beliefs are in the doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, the need of grace to save humans from the destruction of sin, and the role of Jesus' death and resurrection for salvation. Protestants believe that they are saved by God's forgiving grace. There are differing views among Protestants regarding such matters as the nature and extent of human role or participation in salvation. Protestants believe in an all-powerful God who is perfectly good, loving, and holy. Most share the Christian worldview Jesus as fully human and fully God. Protestants have a more relational approach to living for God. Protestants are faith driven, and use the grace of God to propel them to live a devoted life to Him. Protestants believe salvation is a gift of God, through faith. For Protestants Christ is the only recognized authority of salvation and the only one who can answer or here our prayers. He is the bridge to the God the …show more content…

The first big difference between the two is what they acknowledge as Holy scripture. Catholics not only use the Old and New Testament scripture but also use the Apocrypha and the catholic interpretation of the bible. Evangelicals believe that they are justified or saved by faith alone, not by good works. Good works are not ignored and you will be rewarded in heaven for them but that is not what saves you in the eyes of an evangelical. Contrary to this belief Catholic hold to the ideal of baptism being the removal of sins and in turn God grants grace to those that are baptized. The grace given by God is then used to produce good works. Evangelicals believe and practice baptism however unlike Catholic they only practice adult baptism. Catholics practice infant baptism, which is an un-biblically supported custom. Purgatory is another custom evangelicals reject. Catholics profess that there are two types of punishment, a temporary and eternal. Purgatory is pretty much a holding place for people that have only committed certain kinds of sins. For evangelicals believe that only God can forgive sins but Catholics claim that priests have been given authority to forgive sins, standing in place of the Holy Spirit. Roman Catholic beliefs include the special authority of the pope the ability of saints to intercede on behalf of believers, and the doctrine of transubstantiation that is, that the bread used in the Eucharist

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