
Event Analysis: The Broadway Show Bring it On the Musical Presented at The Plaza Theatre

Decent Essays

On March 17, 2014, the Plaza Theatre presented the Broadway show “Bring it On The Musical” with lyrics of Lin Manuel Miranda and Amanda Green, music of Tom Kitt and Jeff Whitty as librettist, inspired in “Bring it On” 2000’s film. Is a story that talks about the competitiveness of the cheerleader world and rivalries between young high school teenagers. This essay will provide a brief of the show and also a review of the lighting fixtures used during the play according to the mood and emotions desired to transmit to the audience.
The Story The story takes place in the Truman High School. Campbell Davis (main character) is on her last day of junior year and she wants to be the captain of the cheerleading squat. She gets the position and her first duty is to replace the members that just graduate. Her friend Skylar is completely interested in the auditions, and she gets selected. Another student, this one with a nerdy look and a little chubby named Bridget doesn’t make it. Campbell, instead of Bridget gives the opportunity to Eva, a nice freshman. During a tournament in summer, Eva is not as confident of her skills and, Campbell in order to make her feel better, pronounce her the third in the line of secession if Campbell loses her position after, Skylar and Kylar. This lift up Eva’s confidence enough to take Truman High School was triumphant. Unfortunately, Campbell received bad news; she was going to be moved to Jackson High School, a school with not even a cheerleading

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