
Evertown ET Chemical Company Spill 1974

Satisfactory Essays

Evertown Commemoration

There are many events that have shaped the world we live in that are not commemorated or remembered. Memory is an event or thing that you remember from the past. Memory effects our everyday life because we need to remember simple things like going to school or wearing shoes. Evertown is a very nice community and there is the 185th anniversary and that there are a lot of people, places, and events in the community would like to be commemorated. The Evertown ET Chemical Company Spill 1976 should be commemorated for Evertown’s 185th anniversary.

To begin with, the reason the ET Chemical Company Spill in 1976 should be commemorated for Evertown’s 185th Commemoration celebration is that a lot of people died when the spill happened and there were a lot of animals that died as well. According to ‘’All sit here and write …show more content…

In the story ¨8 reasons why we forget some historical event By Christopher Klein GLOBE CONTRIBUTOR APRIL 26, 2015¨ It says That ¨Most, however, would not endure the seemingly routine trip home.”This shows that people were not worried about the trip back and that they didn't worry about seeing their family just like in the ET Chemical Company Spill in 1976 The factory existed for more than 30 years, and the public had no idea of the possibility of an accident as it occurred in 1976. This is another reason why The Evertown ET Chemical Company Spill 1976 should be commemorated for Evertown’s 185th anniversary.

Some might say that the ET Chemical Company Spill 1976 should not be commemorated at Evertown’s 185th Anniversary. After all, Mary May Murray saved a lot of people from dying from a virus and over 7,589 people in the United States lost their lives.Yes, that is true but that was a virus and this was an accidental event that killed a lot of people and we should commemorate it so that others do not have the same

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