
Everyday Use By Alice Walker: Literary Analysis

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Every family is raised knowing a culture that has traditions and rules that are handed down from previous generations. Every member of the family tires to stay connected to their heritage in their own way. Having something significant object passed down or a story that is told to all the little children can a few ways that traditions are passed down to everyone. In the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the quilt is a symbol of family heritage, sisterly bonding, and what the quilt means to each sister. The quilt has been passed down from four generations in the Johnson family. It is part of history and represents their ancestor’s lives and stories. “They had been pieced by Grandma Dee and then Big Dee and me hung them on the quilt frames on the front porch and quilted them. One was in the Lone Star pattern. The other was Walk Around the Mountain. In both of them were scraps of dress Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago. Bits and pieces of Grandpa Jerrell’s Paisley shirts. And one teeny faded blue …show more content…

Maggie and her mother are waiting for Dee’s arrival from college and is bringing her new husband to visit. The mother always reflects on how the two sisters are so different. “Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand... (Walker, 423). Maggie has always been a nervous and hesitant person. She never looks anyone in the eye and act very different from Dee. Maggie is intimidated by Dee. Dee has never been scared to speak up, “Hesitation was no part of her nature (Walker, 424). Dee is a bold and selfish woman. Always trying to get whatever she wants and she succeed at it. Dee turns on her charm for everyone and she does not appreciate what her mother has done or

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